Instagram: @malamawkin
In my final year as an Imperial Med Student I have been super fortunate to have the opportunity to join the Harvard/Boston Children’s Hospital Innovation and Digital Accelerator Team here in Boston. I was linked up to this placement by researchers at Imperial, and so far it has been fantastic!
I am working as a Digital Health intern looking at how we can use #bigdata to enhance healthcare delivery, especially when related to infectious diseases and health inequalities. I have also been looking at the differences in implementation of digital health strategies here in comparison to the UK. The team here are so incredibly welcoming and the discussions we have had have already taught me so much.
Already, we have held phone calls linking the teams from my department to back with the faculty at Imperial Med School to see how we can share our learnings from this placement (especially re: data in their health research).
The opportunities given to us at Imperial are honestly superb, and this funded placement to Harvard has been the most incredible way to end medical school. More to come, but for now here are a few pictures from my first week!

Hi Mala!
I’m Venkat, I’ve just finished my A level exams and am just waiting for the dreaded results day to hopefully find out that I’ve been accepted into Imperial to study medicine. Throughout the application process I’ve been reading the student blogs on the website to find out more about life at Imperial; its been great reading about the adventures you’ve been up to! It was also nice to hear your talk on the offer holder day; I wanted to ask you how you got into becoming a student blogger, as I would love to be one too, when I hopefully join. I hope you’re having an amazing time in your final year, and I’m looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you,