When Imperial Students baked up a British Tea Party for astronauts!

Twitter: @malamawks | Instagram: @malamawkin

I have now come to the end of my 10 week medical research placement in the European Astronaut Centre, Cologne. I have had such a fantastic experience there, and can’t thank Imperial and the European Space Agency enough!

Did you know that there are 3 English interns at the European Astronaut Centre out of the 20 or so interns here. And did you know that all 3 of us are from Imperial!?!?! How cool is that!

SO, we have had a tradition at the EAC that interns and staff from each country cook a meal for everyone to share a bit of their culture- over my time I had a Belgium dinner, French, German, Swedish, Spanish…and it was our turn. The Imperial interns represented and we cooked up a good old English Tea Party with the help of our British staff! (It was nicknamed by the others “Brexit” tea party, as we were trying to prove we really do love Europe…but it was also my leaving party and I was leaving Germany…!)

Other than brewing tea, I also had the chance to present my research to the European Astronaut Centre. It was such an awesome experience to be able to present to a room full of really enthusiastic people- even though it was only undergraduate research everyone showed a keen interest in making sure I got the most out of my time. The collaboration here between the European Space Agency and  Imperial was just incredible, giving me the opportunity to develop my research skills in a really driven environment.

Thank you everyone that was involved in my placement- missing it already! Back to London now, and time to finish off my write-up before 4th year ends at the end of this month. Wow, it really has gone fast!

Astronaut and Head of the European Astronaut Centre (Frank De Winne) at the tea party- holding up an Imperial Logo with us Imperial interns!
The 3 Imperial Interns!
My presentation!
My Presentation!
Tea Party in action- so many scones!
Preparing Cheddar Cheese sandwiches (and cucumber ones too!)


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