I’ve already mentioned that I’m terrible at cooking… (A piece of advice: try to “cover the basics” before coming to uni. Your life will be so much easier if you don’t have to google how to make pasta…). On the other hand, I love baking! (Not so useful at uni, but anyway…) So I brought a muffin tray and my favourite bowl from home, bought a dry measuring cup so now I can bake muffins any time I like! 🙂
The first Woodward Muffin Time was just before Valentine’s Day. We have this nice project called Woodward Newsletter (I am the article editor, because I don’t do enough things already… 😀 ) and I have a personal column in it, called “Cooking made easy by Dora”. But this time we made a very special Valentine’s Edition and I decided to do something different: muffins! So it became “Baking made easy” and I finally had a reason to bake 😀
I could go on and on about how beautiful it was, but here is the proof:

And that’s our wonderful Woodward Newsletter (I am totally in love with the design, Andreea is amazing!!!)

Then yesterday I had this insuperable desire to bake muffins again… (If you can choose between Chemistry homework, Properties of Matter project, Business Ethics essay and muffins, what is the only logical option? Yes, of course, I chose that one, too…) So this time I decided to use Nutella and banana, because I don’t consume enough calories already ( 😀 )
I wanted to take a before-after shot, but because of undisclosed reasons I forgot to take the after one… 😀 So here is the “before”:

The result was amazing! (Full of calories, but who cares?) I made the muffins because Andreea (the super-talented designer of the Woodward Newsletter) had her final exams this week and I wanted to surprise her with a little something… Fortunately she didn’t forget to take pictures of them:
Amazing. These were the best muffins I’ve ever had ❤️ Thanks so much 🙂