A plethora of parties

It’s Christmas party season!

I actually am not keen on Christmas or parties, but do try to go along to a few to try and get in the spirit of things, chat with people I haven’t seen for a while and eat free/cheap food and drink. Between the Museum and and various Imperial College departments I have been overwhelmed with invitations and have only been able to attend a few, but I thought I would list some of the others so you can see all the different opportunities for partying at Imperial.

Parties at the Natural History Museum

The Museum has a reputation for boozy parties (although we have to be careful not to upset security and neighbours). This Monday I attended the Student Christmas party, which was organised by the Natural History Museum Student Committee, but not just for students but anyone who wanted to come along. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay long as I had to finish a presentation for the next day but enjoyed chatting to some of the other students who work in other parts of the building and that I don’t speak to very often.

NHM Student Christmas Party

Natural History Museum Student Christmas Party
Natural History Museum Student Christmas Party

Today there is a Christmas get-together with the Natural History Museum Soil Biodiversity Group, which is traditionally held as a thank you for the hard work of our volunteers over the year. I enjoy the chance to chat over some food and drink without loud music playing, but those that want too often continue the party in the pub.

Tomorrow Purvis Lab are having a Christmas meal and then it will be time for the Life Science department Christmas Party which has a Stars in Their Eyes theme! Some people will be performing dressed as their favourite stars and there is a prize for the best. I am not dressing up but looking forward to seeing everyone else and hoping my supervisor will be there doing his famous karaoke! Other departments put on parties too, there are posters up for the Core Laboratories and Earth Sciences parties, but one is enough for me!

Parties at Imperial College London

I have had a number of party invites from Imperial College too, although am not able to attend, but to give you an idea of what’s going on here they are:

Department of Life Sciences (DoLS) Grown-ups party – with quizzes and live music

Department of Life Sciences (DoLS) family friendly party – with children’s activities etc. (what a great idea!)

Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet (SSCP) DTP party – which unfortunately clashes with the NHM Life Sciences party

Imperial College Silwood Park party – for those doing research at Imperial’s campus near Ascot

and probably lots of others I don’t know about!

Whatever gatherings you are attending this year, have a great time!


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