Imperial’s Medic Student Union!

Here at Imperial we have a massive student representation through all our constituent unions. It is amazing that students can get involved in such council meetings and discussion groups with faculty and union. It actually makes me feel a lot more at peace that I could go to the President (or any other members) of Imperial School of Medicine Union (ICSMSU) if I have a query or concern about my time at Imperial studying medicine.

At this moment in time the count for voting population of Imperial is 24%, with less than 3 days to go. It is a massive shame that there aren’t a lot more people standing for positons though…would make it a teeny bit more democratic!

I have really enjoyed the elections this year though: the hype, reading all the manifestos and watching the candidates on ICTV.

For the medics, we have had a blast of a time. We have 17 members on our union:

President (takes a year out…and gets paid), Deputy President, Welfare, Treasurer, Academic Officers, Sites and Services Officer, Communications, Entertainments Team…etc etc.

Process for us involves a blind nomination system. This means that literally no one knows you are going for a role until…the end of nominations. Then ta daaaa you can see who you are running against. Bit of a shame because no one sees whos going for a role and thinks “lol I can do better than them” and runs..and it means that positions can be unfilled if no one goes for them!

When names are released we have 2 meet the medic candidates (aka hustings). One is a bit more serious than the other..! Then it’s just campaign, campaign, campaign till you get onto the SU.

If you are thinking of coming to Imperial to do medicine I definitely would because of the massive student voice we have here- it makes the whole experience a lot better. Yes, sometimes our voice is ignored and refused by the highest authority but that is out of our control and only in the minority of cases. If you are at Imperial I would definitely recommend standing for something- not just for you CV but also because it is SO much fun getting to help shape the future for students.

Please do vote if you haven’t already!!

Mala x

One comment for “Imperial’s Medic Student Union!

  1. Hey there again 😀

    I must say your blog posts are so interesting to read and you really do have an awesome way of writing- you keep it light and interesting 🙂 I have a blog request if you have time (since you have exams coming up soon and I know it’s mega stressful for you guys): How time consuming is Medical school really? Like people say you need to VERY highly self motivated in order to survive and you have no life like other Uni students. I heard that exams can be EXTREMELY stressful and people were considering of quitting medicine because they couldn’t handle the pressure… It kinda scares me xD So what is it like in real life?

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