My friend Andrew loves Christmas, so it would be cruel if I didn’t let him visit the Winter Festival at the Southbank Centre after the trip to Tower Bridge (although mercifully I avoided taking him to see the Christmas lights in Oxford Street this year!).
After enjoying some traditional roast Chestnuts by the River Thames I said goodbye while I spent a few days finishing up some university work before heading home for Christmas and the New Year.

On the 16th December the PREDICTS team had planned a Christmassy day which included a visit to our neighbours the Victoria and Albert Museum where the joint-museum choir was performing. Afterwards we went for a meal at a local restaurant and exchanged secret Santa presents (no discounted Museum gifts allowed!).

One of my colleagues got prehistoric balloon animals for her Secret Santa gift, which was an excellent excuse for procrastination!

Finally, the Friday before Christmas I was treated to a complementary Christmas dinner at the Natural History Museum staff cafeteria for my volunteer work identifying earthworms (more on that another time). The glass of wine was particularly welcome to help endure the busy trains as I headed back to Hampshire to spend Christmas and the New Year at home.