SPIKE Goes Karting

After weeks of online SuperTuxKart championships, it was time for the PhD members of the SPIKE research group to race in real life. On Sunday, 8 March, 2020 (just before a pandemic took over the world), SPIKE members enjoyed an eventful evening of go karting followed by a group dinner.

The evening was a chance to help foster the team spirit of the research group, and enable collaboration that goes beyond the day to day activities of each member’s individual research journey. As one PhD student put it:

“Karting was an unequalled experience: the wind on my face, the speed making the kart almost fly… It would have been that, if I had not worn a helmet, and I had not driven as slow as a stroll in the park (cit.).
But it was my first time karting at all, and as they say, better safe than sorry, right?
Anyway, it was a fun experience. It was cool to see people you normally see at work in a more relaxed atmosphere, where you don’t feel guilty if you’re not discussing work.​”

All in all, it was an evening to remember. Thanks to the Graduate School for sponsoring it.

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