Computational Chemistry Intradepartmental Meeting (CCIM)

On the evening of Thursday the 7th of February, the Computational Chemistry division of the Chemistry Department held its third monthly research and social event. These meetings started running in September to strengthen the professional and personal relationships between computational research groups, which have found themselves sharing a large open-plan office after the departmental move to the White City campus in Summer 2018. The meetings are mainly organised by the postgraduate students of each group and promote the integration of students of all levels into the wider departmental community.

This month, we put up the event with the generous help of the Graduate School cohort building fund. The meeting was attended by about 50 people, split evenly between undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs and PIs of the computational groups within the Chemistry department. As in the previous months, we started the evening with a brief presentation of our group’s work. All current students of the group, joined by collaborating students from the maths department, presented a few applications of graph-theoretical methods, including the study of protein dynamics. After the presentation everyone in the audience participated in a quiz-style activity (which involved buzzers!) based on the same mathematical methods we use in our work. Afterwards we all moved on to socialising over drinks, snacks and Homeslice pizza.

It was a great opportunity for new students to introduce themselves to the rest of the cohort, for some stimulating academic conversations and for everyone to have some fun, too! We are extremely grateful for the Graduate School’s funding, and we will be recommending it to anyone else organizing similar events.

With love,
The Yaliraki Group

Fig. 1 Snacks and refreshments set up….courtesy of the Graduate School!
Fig. 2 The Yaliraki group after a successful presentation

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