‘Breaking the Ice’ – Hammersmith Campus Postgraduate Social!

Postgraduate students based at the Imperial Hammersmith Hospital campus took to the ice for a PG student social at the Natural History Museum on Wednesday the 19th of December. This social brought together research students from the departments of Medicine, Surgery & Cancer and the NHLI in a festive skating session followed by drinks at ħ bar, allowing PG students on the campus to mingle across different departments and disciplines.

The event was a great success, bringing together research students from across departments and institutes based at the Hammersmith hospital campus, as well as other research staff that were interested in getting involved with the event (including clinical and postdoctoral fellows). The Graduate School’s Research Community Fund, paid for twenty tickets for PGR students to go ice skating at the NHM (which sold out within 12 hours of the email being sent out) and a free drink at ħ bar, where PG students shared a festive drink as a way to send off the end of term before college closes.

This event was organised by campus-based PhD student representatives (Emily Heathward, with assistance from Hannah Maude and Berta Font Cunill), who’d like to improve the postgraduate research community in the Faculty of Medicine at the Hammersmith Campus, and serves as an introductory event, with high hopes for more to follow.

Thank you to the Graduate School for enabling this event to take place!

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