Blog posts

Systems Engineering for Prototyping Modular Construction Systems Checklist

This checklist is part of a more comprehensive Toolkit developed by the Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation (CSEI) at Imperial College London as part of the Impact award associated with the Royal Academy of Engineering and Laing O’Rourke Chair in Systems Integration. The Toolkit is work in progress and aims to provide Systems Engineering principles, tools and pointers for developing configurable product platforms for Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) in infrastructure.

To access the checklist, click on the link below

Checklist – SE for Prototyping Modular Construction Systems Checklist

Comments and feedback are welcome.

Follow us on Twitter @CSEI_Imperial

Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation – Introduction to the Systems Engineering Toolkit

Audio introduction to the toolkit

The Systems Engineering (SE) toolkit is work in progress. The first version brings together all the SE models and methods for the delivery of infrastructure. These span from functional and interconnectivity analysis to modelling languages and mathematics. This version aims to provide:

  • an overview of the fundamentals of systems engineering for delivering infrastructure,
  • a set of pointers to the existing resources,
  • a starting point for developing new knowledge about SE and Infrastructure.

Our next steps are:

  • Transition to version 2.0 organised by project stage (e.g. planning etc.).
  • Keep (do not replace with version 2.0) version 1.0 as an introduction and orientation to SE in delivering infrastructure.
  • Toolkit assessment through workshops and interviews with experts from academia and industry.
  • Early results from interviews suggest that there is a need to translate the output of the SE tools into an action plan.

Your feedback is important and encouraged to ensure that we cover all the tools and aspect of both SE and the delivery of infrastructure.

Version 1 of the full Systems Engineering in Infrastructure Toolkit is now also available

Slideshare Link




Small Project Proposal Call – 2017



The Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation supports the application of systems engineering in the construction sector. The aim is to bring world class research on systems engineering and innovation into the sector to transform production of the built environment. The Centre acts as a hub for related inter-disciplinary research across campus on both systems engineering and innovation as applied to buildings and infrastructure. We are looking to fund feasibility studies through this call, we expect most proposals to be in the range £5k to £10k, although we will also consider smaller proposals.

Proposals are encouraged on (but not limited to) the following themes and topics:

1. Production systems, modularity, design and optimization of delivery

2. Visualization of interdependencies within and across infrastructures

3. Transitions to deliver value across the life-cycle

Deadline for submission of proposals: 17 March 2017. Submission by email to Decisions will be made by 7 April 2017 and applicants notified of outcome by email shortly thereafter. This internal call is open to any academics or students in Imperial College London, and proposals that connect with the interests of the Centre’s industry partners and members: Laing O’Rourke, Mott Macdonald, Project Production Institute and Bentley Systems are particularly encouraged. The proposal should fit on ONE page of A4 (Calibri 11 font), with the following table and check-boxes:

Title of project:
Principal Investigator:
Research background (brief context):
Fit with the vision and aims of the Centre:
Potential industry impact:
Added value:
Overall costs:
Follow-on plans:

Ο – I confirm that the above costs are FEC (please tick to confirm)
Ο If funded, I will be available to present the project and any follow-up research to the Centre for System Engineering and Innovation and its industry partners and members at the Research Showcase event on 7 September 2017. (please tick to confirm)
Ο Theme (please circle): 1 /2 / 3

CSEI_2017 call for proposals_final_template

EPSRC Systems Engineering workshop

Professor Whyte is looking forward to attending the EPSRC workshop on ‘Systems Engineering’ later this week. Our infrastructure systems are under stress, and systems approaches are appropriate to understanding their behaviour as complex systems and their interdependencies, within and across systems. There are new opportunities for data driven approaches, with the rise of new forms of cyber-physical systems, and new kinds production systems. Different research communities are taking different approaches to understanding their resilience, safety, security and socio-technical nature.  It will be interesting to see which topics the interdisciplinary engineering research community prioritise, and what lessons can be learnt across disciplines.   


Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation

The Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation is a hub for research across campus with a vision of bringing world class research on systems engineering and innovation into the infrastructure sector to transform production of the built environment. We work collaboratively with leading engineers and managers to achieve our vision through research, executive education and inspiring the next generation of engineers.