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I am an Assistant Professor of Operations Management in the Department of Analytics, Marketing and Operations at Imperial College Business School.

Research Interests

Revenue management and pricing, supply chain management, data analytics


Columbia University, Columbia Business School

PhD in Operations Management, 2019
Advisors: Awi Federgruen, Costis Maglaras

Tsinghua University

BS in Industrial Engineering, 2013
Advisor: Zuo-Jun Max Shen

Honors and Awards

  • 2nd Place, POMS-HK Best Student Paper Competition, 2019
  • Finalist, George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, 2018
  • 2nd Place, POMS College of SCM Student Paper Competition, 2018
  • Doctoral Fellow Presentation at Deming Cup Award Ceremony, 2018
  • Chazen Institute for Global Business Research Award, 2018
  • Deming Doctoral Research Fellowship, 2015 & 2016