Blog posts

Xenon gas protects the brain after head injury



Dr Robert Dickinson (lecturer in Anaesthetics for the Division of Surgery), led the study which looked at how treatment with xenon gas after a head injury reduces the extent of brain damage, according to a study in mice.

“After a blow to the head, most of the damage to the brain doesn’t occur immediately but in the hours and days afterwards. At present we have no specific drugs to limit the spread of the secondary injury, but we think that is the key to successful treatment.” more


Social networking can help people lose weight

Social mediaHealth policy researcher and Clinical Lecturer in general surgery Dr Hutan Ashrafian, was the lead author of a study released today looking at whether social networking programmes, designed to help people lose weight could play a role in the global fight against obesity. 

The researchers compiled data from 12 studies spread across the US, Europe, east Asia and Australia which trialled social networking services for weight loss, involving 1,884 participants in total. The amalgamated results showed that people who used these services achieved a collective decrease in body mass index by a value of 0.64, which the authors describe as modest but significant. More

Dr Euan Stronach speaks about his work with Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre


Senior cancer research fellow Dr Euan Stronach, was recently interviewed about his work at the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre, which works in partnership with Imperial.

What keeps you motivated on a hard day?
“We have a fantastic tribute wall at the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre that bears the names of loved ones who have or had ovarian cancer, and messages and memories from their families. It does not take long looking at the wall to remind yourself why we do what we do.”

What do you dream of achieving?
“I want us to work together as a global research community to really pick apart ovarian cancer and learn all its secrets so we can develop an arsenal of weapons to treat it. I want ovarian cancer to become something people genuinely feel they can beat rather than be beaten by.”

Find out more about Dr Stronach’s work at the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre.

CSM starts its linguistic Movie Nights


You are all cordially invited to the CSM Movie Night!

The entry fee is £10, which will provide you with a seat and a complimentary supply of wine and beer, plus a French/Spanish themed selection of snacks!

The CSM movie nights will commence on Thursday, 7th August with a screening of ‘Pans Labyrinth’ (Spanish),  and will be hosted in 660 SAF building.

Please see attached CSM Movie Night program line up for the next few months.

All of the proceeds will be donated to EducAid, a non-profit educational charity organisation which operates in the heart of post-war Sierra Leone. Please see link below for further information.



New College Parents Network page launched

Parents networkImperial have now launched a new Parents Network website, which aims to provide a one stop shop for all relevant policies and information related to being a parent at Imperial as well as things like staff perks, items for sale and buddy schemes.

The pages include information to support expectant parents and parents with children of any age to obtain a good work life balance, achieving success at work whilst enjoying being a parent at home.

ABLE General Meeting

Able@Imperial is the College’s staff forum open to all disabled staff, staff who support disabled dependents, and staff who have an interest in disability in the workplace. This is the newest staff group established in August 2013.

AbleThe next ABLE general meeting will be held on Thursday 11th September at South Kensington:

  • If there are any particular topics you want to talk about or have more information on please get in contact with Sarah Shemilt.
  • The Faculty of Medicine HQ are happy to provide financial support for taxis to allow individuals or groups in the FoM from other campuses to attend meetings at South Kensington. If you are interested in this please get in touch with Sarah Shemilt.
  • HR have said that if anyone in any area of the College is having problems getting time off to attend the meeting they can provide assistance to allow you to attend. Again, if you need this please get in touch with Sarah Shemilt.

The Surgery and Cancer contact is Rachael Waddington, so please get in touch for any local help or guidance.

Support women with ovarian cancer

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Ovarian Cancer Action is the UK’s leading ovarian cancer charity and we raise money to fund the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre.

Where do we get the money? We don’t – our supporters raise money by jumping out of airplanes, running marathons, cycling around India or selling cakes at summer fetes.

By funding the world-class research that goes on at the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre in partnership with Imperial College London, we are offering women and their loved ones hope for the future.

A cervical smear doesn’t test for ovarian cancer and only 44% of women will survive beyond five years of an ovarian cancer diagnosis. We want women with ovarian cancer to have a better chance of survival and to receive treatment that improves their quality of life.

We raise awareness of the symptoms visiting womens’ groups across the UK, attending conferences and creating easy to understand information that’s printed or on our website

We campaign for all women with non-mucinous ovarian cancer to be genetically tested for the BRCA gene mutation at point of diagnosis.

We are in awe of the pioneering work that the scientists carry out at the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre, and we want everyone to know about it.

Dr Euan Stronach, a senior cancer research fellow at our Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre, said: “It does not take long looking at the wall to remind yourself why we do what we do. I want ovarian cancer to become something people genuinely feel they can beat rather than be beaten by.”

If you would like to get involved with fundraising for Ovarian Cancer Action and backing the scientists’ brilliant work, please email or go to

Thank you!

Combining Academic & Family Life panel discussion

20140715_123800The Department of Medicine this month held a panel discussion on combining academic and family life, the first of it’s kind to take place at Imperial. The panel, chaired by Prof Jenny Higham – Vice Dean (Education and Institutional Affairs) along with the Provost Prof James Stirling and five other academics, all shared their experiences of combining academic and family life, followed by an open discussion on the topic.

The Provost highlighted issues relating to identifying and sharing good practice, engaging and developing the post doc community and establishing a competent career advice and coaching scheme.

This panel discussion forms part of the Athena SWAN initiative, which aims to recognise and celebrate good practice on recruiting, retaining, and promoting women in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine) careers and create a level playing field so all staff can flourish in progressing their careers.

Surgery and Cancer submitted their Bronze Athena SWAN application and action plan in April this year and will find out if they were successful later in the year. Currently the action plan is being put into practice, a new Lifestyles webpage will be launched and a Surgery & Cancer Departmental meeting will take place on Wednesday the 1st of October, so watch this space for more details.


Prof McGregor and Dr Ma travel to China for Perioperative Management Symposium of Traumatic Injury


555A8801Prof Alison McGregor and Dr Daqing Ma travelled to China with Prof Anthony Bull (Centre for Blast Injury Studies) to attend the Chinese Western Anaesthetic Forum on the 21st July, where Prof McGregor and Dr Ma both gave lectures.

They then met with the 3rd Military Hospital in Chongqing for the Perioperative Management Symposium of Traumatic Injury, where discussions took place to explore potential collaborations around trauma injury, particularly blast injury in conjunction with Imperial’s College Blast Centre.