Well done to all Principal Investigators in the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our monthly round-up of funding successes*.
Proposal Dept/Group | Infoed PI Name | Infoed Proposal Title | Infoed Sponsor | Infoed Awarded Value |
General Surgery | Latchford, Dr Andrew | The role of environmental factors in gastrointestinal neoplasia in adenomatous polyposis (EnGNAP) | St Mark’s Hospital Foundation | 48,824 |
Cancer | Bevan, Professor Charlotte | Movember – PCUK Centre Renewal | Institute of Cancer Research | 249,014 |
Vascular | Davies, Professor Alun | Metabonomic Analysis of Biofluids in Toruniquet Induced Lower Limb Ischaemia in Healthy Humans | Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust | 12,575 |
*Dude, where’s my grant? A disclaimer:
To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from the College’s strategic reporting dashboards, relating to FoM. This means that, typically, we only include awards on this list which have been set up on the College’s grants management system, in accordance with the Joint Research Office’s policies and processes. As a result, there may be a delay in promoting some awards.