Ovarian Cancer Action is the UK’s leading ovarian cancer charity and we raise money to fund the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre.
Where do we get the money? We don’t – our supporters raise money by jumping out of airplanes, running marathons, cycling around India or selling cakes at summer fetes.
By funding the world-class research that goes on at the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre in partnership with Imperial College London, we are offering women and their loved ones hope for the future.
A cervical smear doesn’t test for ovarian cancer and only 44% of women will survive beyond five years of an ovarian cancer diagnosis. We want women with ovarian cancer to have a better chance of survival and to receive treatment that improves their quality of life.
We raise awareness of the symptoms visiting womens’ groups across the UK, attending conferences and creating easy to understand information that’s printed or on our website www.ovarian.org.uk.
We campaign for all women with non-mucinous ovarian cancer to be genetically tested for the BRCA gene mutation at point of diagnosis.
We are in awe of the pioneering work that the scientists carry out at the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre, and we want everyone to know about it.
Dr Euan Stronach, a senior cancer research fellow at our Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre, said: “It does not take long looking at the wall to remind yourself why we do what we do. I want ovarian cancer to become something people genuinely feel they can beat rather than be beaten by.”
If you would like to get involved with fundraising for Ovarian Cancer Action and backing the scientists’ brilliant work, please email Amelia@ovarian.org.uk or go to www.ovarian.org.uk/fundraising.
Thank you!
Read Support women with ovarian cancer in full