In a previous blog post I managed to summarise my first term at Imperial with the song lyrics of ABBA. As the Easter holidays begin, I have attempted to use the words of the legendary band, Queen, to reflect on what has been an incredibly busy second term.
We Are The Champions
Dance Company has continued to be a huge presence in my life at Imperial. In February we travelled across the country to compete in two university dance competitions for which 8 teams have been preparing hard for. Dance Company truly were the champions as we ended up winning a total of 13 awards across the two competitions in Southampton and Liverpool. As well as placing 2nd in the Advanced Tap category at both competitions, the tap team I was in also won two extra awards for Best Costume and Best Team Spirit at Southampton (see the photographic evidence for yourself)!

Both competitions were a joy to be a part of, which some of you may have seen when I took over Imperial College’s Instagram account when we were in Liverpool.
Under Pressure
In amongst the dancing, there was a lot of work to be done this term for my course. As well as taking three academic modules we also had to complete a group project, start to think about work placements and propose an idea for our dissertations… Whilst at times it certainly felt like I was under pressure, managing my time effectively ensured I met the deadlines and fully engaged with the course content. If you’re interested in finding out more about what the second term of Science Communication at Imperial looks like, have a look at their website or read my previous blog: A Day in the Life of a SciComm Student.
Radio Gaga
One academic module I took this term was called Sounds, Signs and Meaning in Radio, where we learnt about the foundations of radio theory and used this toolkit to analyse radio programmes. However, I still managed to fit in some on-air radio time, by being a panel member on several radio shows for I, Science – the student-run science publication from the Science Communication Unit. The I, Science radio shows are still running throughout the holidays, and we are currently adapting some short stories, written by students from the department for our narrative assignment earlier in the term, into radio dramas. These will be broadcast on Monday 15th April between 5-6pm on – the excitement is already building! I think it is safe to say, I have gone a little bit radio gaga.
The Show Must Go On
Dance competitions were not the only thing that Dance Company participated in this term. In the penultimate week of term, we danced alongside five other dance societies in the Dance Imperial Show 2019. For three nights, students of Imperial tapped, belly danced, salsa-ed and even hung from hoops in the air, but perhaps the best moves happened at the after-party…
Don’t Stop Me Now
To celebrate finishing the term, the Science Communication Unit went all out for karaoke at h-bar last Friday, with a particularly expressive rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody. Whilst the Easter holidays are a good chance to relax and unwind, there is still plenty of work to be done in preparation for my dissertation, upcoming work placement and practical options next term. But please, don’t stop me now, because I really am having such a good time!
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