At Imperial College London there is a wealth of extracurricular activities to get involved in. From ultimate frisbee to windsurfing, algorithmic trading to whisky; there is certainly a club for everyone! One activity unique to the Science Communication Unit that I have been involved in is the publication I, Science.
What is I, Science?
I, Science is a science publication run by students of the MSc Science Communication and Science Media Production courses here at Imperial. As well as producing an award-winning magazine three times a year, I, Science also has a website with regular news updates, features, reviews of exhibitions around London and a weekly radio show, broadcast on ICRadio.
What have I been involved in?
The first I, Science magazine of our cohort was on the topic Earth. There were so many ways people could get involved, from producing original artwork, writing an article, helping to edit the articles, and in the end helping to promote it. I only played a small part in this mammoth process, by writing an article entitled ‘The story of a lonely planet’ and producing a piece of artwork to accompany some Earth facts. There was a whole team who worked tirelessly to produce this amazing magazine that we are all so proud of! If you would like to read this magazine you can pick one up at various I, Science stations around Imperial or alternatively read it online. The next issue is all about Bad Science and will be released at the end of this term, so watch this space…

Brand new to this academic year is the I, Science Culture Club. Every couple of weeks a group of students get together and visit a variety of exhibitions around London. The exhibitions are not always science-focused however we seem to find science wherever we go! Before Christmas we went to the Barbican Art Gallery to see the Modern Couples: Art, Intimacy and the Avant-garde exhibition. The exhibition displayed a range of artwork by around 40 couples from the 20th century. Alongside their artwork were letters, photographs and information about the couples lives which gave greater meaning to the sculptures, photographs, paintings and objects on display. You can read more about this exhibition and others the Culture Club have visited in the Reviews section on the I, Science website.
Thirdly, I have been on the panel of several I, Science radio shows. Every Monday between 5-6pm on ICRadio.Com you can listen to a group of people from our course (and sometimes special guests) discuss a range of topics from circadian rhythms to the gunpowder plot. This week I was on an all-female panel discussing women in STEM. We first laid out some of the problems we feel there still is, within academia and more generally in society, and some of our rather tentative suggestions at how this can be combatted. We then all chose a powerful female scientist to share in order to celebrate the great achievements of women in science, both past and present. You can listen to this show and more in the Radio section on the I,Science website.
How else can you engage with I, Science?
The I, Science website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages are all the places you need to go to, to get your dose of science.
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