Making money as a student

So I’ve done various things to make some cash on the side:

  • Private tutoring
  • Turinglab (Tutoring at imperial)
  • Undergraduate teaching assistant
  • Internships
  • uTest
  • UserTesting
  • Blogging

and for those keen students looking to make money on the side I’d definitely suggest private tutoring, UserTesting and uTest. If you haven’t heard of uTest, its a website where you test any app possible: games, payment, echo etc and based on your bug finding skills you get paid. Some test cases give you payment just for following the steps, even if you don’t find any bugs.

UserTesting is basically talking about your opinion of a website for around 10-15 minutes, for 10 USD which is pretty good. However, it takes time to get invited to do those. UTA’s and other tutoring are good, but unless it’s private tutoring I’d suggest looking for other ways to get money. Of course, if you’re like me and enjoyed the module a lot, then definitely go become a UTA.

The big punchers are internships. I chose bachelors when I entered Imperial, and decided to change to Masters half way – enabling me to be a penultimate student twice. Those keen on internships know many internships require penultimate status to join. Banks definitely pay the most and are easier to get into (think ~40,000 per year)  whereas consultancy is much less (26k?). Other popular companies like Accenture, Bloomberg pay the same as banks.

My top tip? Start early. Do those spring insights, as they usually offer an easy entrance into an internship, followed by a job. Plus you get paid. If you’re an international student like me, make sure you check the Tier 2 list of sponsors to make sure they can sponsor you after you graduate. No point in doing an internship and finding out they want to hire you, but can’t due to legal reasons. Most big companies on there. You can find the list here.

In terms of porfolio, you can always create your own website. It’s impressive to list on your CV, here’s my website. I’m using github pages and bootstrap, you can find them here :


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