Last year, as part of EIE (EE + Computer Science) cohort we took 2 computing modules, which I find easier compared to EE. Looking just at coursework, my experience in computing was far better than EE. It’s possible for everyone to get close to 100 marks (all my friends have A* 80-100) whereas in EE the moment we get marks above 70ish it gets moderated down. Of course, the computing mark is pre-moderated as well. (I have my doubts that they lower it, who knows?)
I favour the computing side, not only because of the marks, but because I find some EE things slightly tedious (too much maths!), plus the exams are only 2 hours vs 3 hours long. If you’re in EIE like me, I strongly suggest trying out computing modules, especially if you want to go into a career in tech or NOT electronic engineering.