So after much deliberation, I’ve decided to do a research abroad program next year
(If I achieve 2:1 and above).
This is known as the ERASMUS & Swiss-EU Mobility Program.
Why do I want to do this?
1 – I enjoy studying and living at different cultural environments.
2 – I can spend an entire term, working (not shadowing) in a host research lab of my choice.
You don’t have that kind of opportunity as an undergraduate,
unless you do an industry placement program.
(But that’s the story for another day…)
3 – I want to take this extra time to better plan my future career.
(i.e. Am I genuinely passionate for research? I do enjoy research atm.)
4 – To practice my German as I’m mostly likely to go to ETH Zurich.
What do you do at that year?
1 – It depends on the host university and your learning agreement.
2 – My learning agreement: 2 terms in 1 academic year.
3 – 1 term full-time lectures & 1 term full-time research.
4 – Take exams for taught modules & Conduct a research report.
5 – Enjoy the exotic land 🙂
How much does it cost?
1 – Overseas student pays 15% of normal tuition fee to Imperial.
2 – Home pays a heavily reduced fee/Not sure for EU due to Brexit.
(But most likely the same as Home students.)
3 – Living costs depend on your destination university location.
What destination University choices do you have?
1 – It depends on the collaboration your department has with other unis.
2 – For Biology/Biochemistry students,
the choices are mostly European countries.
3 – You will need to speak the language being used in that destination country
What do you need prepare now?
1 – If you want to have this experience, start learning a foreign language now.
2 – If you are about to enter uni, don’t worry. We have Horizons.
3 – Free Horizons language courses prepare you for research abroad.
4 – Work hard at uni and make sure you maintain 2:1 and above.
5 – Talk with people who did the program before for their experience.
Any more questions?
Leave a comment.
I can’t promise I’ll reply promptly but will reply ASAP.
Until next time, bye 😀