My First Trip to the Imperial Cinema

University is a time of firsts. Clichéd as it may sound, it is true of a great many things. Such novel experiences are not confined to the start of a degree; case in point: last week was my first trip to the student-run Imperial Cinema.

Quite why it has taken me nearly four years to do so, I am unsure – the cinema, hosted in the Imperial College Union building, boats a superb 8m-wide screen, bolstered with surround sound Dolby audio and plays host to the best films, be that big blockbuster or niche indie, trickling out of cinemas. All this, for a very affordable £4 (for non-members).

It was another gentle reminder of the nature of university life: that new adventures are lurking around every proverbial corner.

My first Imperial Cinema ticket – a souvenir!

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