It’s not long until term starts again, so I thought I would write a couple of posts for the new freshers to prepare you about what to expect during your first few weeks and months. It is a daunting and exciting time, so relax and enjoy it and remember if we all made it then you can too!
What to expect:
- Culinary delights and disasters– organising food shopping and cooking defeats even the best culinary students- expect mushroom clouds of cheese sauce, setting fire to various meats and very unusual food combinations. Best advice: try cooking as a group, keep things simple and make use of the freezer (to avoid forgetting about things and them going off in the fridge). If all else fails ask your mum for some emergency meals…
- To lose lots of crockery and cutlery– however hard you try this always happens. Some people try keeping everything in their room, but my best advice is don’t bring your favourite items and remember you have them!
- To never have enough milk– people will ‘borrow’ milk, but you may well find yourself doing the same so don’t be quick to judge! Learn to accept it or try marking the level of your milk with a marker pen after use.
- To make some great friends
- Mayhem and madness– goes without saying…
- To have to do your own washing– sounds simple, but more complex when you are trying to work the machine. Top tips: save up coins in advance (you generally need pound coins and 20p pieces), keep on top of your washing, write down how to use the machine and the washing detergent. Try to avoid taking it home- it’s very heavy to carry and your parents will probably not be that impressed…
- To have some rough nights sleep– things settle down after freshers so don’t panic. Until then expect some noisy nights and fire drills- just remember your room key and a jumper when you leave to assemble outside.
- Parents (aka ‘Hall seniors’)– a great source of support and help if you are stuck, but will also discipline you if you cause trouble…
- To have some great trips out– get involved in as many trips as possible: theatre, concerts, experi
ences out etc- it’s usually subsidised by the halls so lots cheaper, plus you get to go with all your friends!
- Common room TV marathons– Second to the kitchen this is the most social place- head down for team Apprentice viewing, movie marathons and much more…
University is a huge change. Most people love it, but if you do hate it- you are not alone and it does get better. Now I’m starting to sound like my mum so I shall stop writing…