Lyme Regis Fossil Festival 2016

Last year I blogged about my first visit to the Lyme Regis Fossil Festival. This year I was back – promoting my new citizen science project Earthworm Watch, which I have developed with Earthwatch and the Natural History Museum. This time the Natural History Museum occupied a whole marquee and I attended on the Saturday and Sunday by myself, which was hard work!

I brought along some live earthworms for people to hold which was particularly popular with children. It was heartening to hear more people comment that they were “cute” rather than “yuk”. I gave out leaflets and took several sheets full of email addresses to follow up with more information on Earthworm Watch so I hope it will lead to more recruitment for the project.

Earthworm Watch table set up at ready to go
My table set up at ready to go
Earthworms ready for their big day
Earthworms ready for their big day
A quick break to admire the view at Lyme Regis
A quick break to admire the view

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