… where I no longer know what day it is today. I switched to a new time scale: how many days left till the next exam. It’s very effective ๐
The summer term has started but I didn’t really notice… We don’t have normal lectures, just a couple of revisions and extra tutorials. That means I don’t have to go to SouthKen at 7am, which is surprisingly good ๐
Revision is… Well, I start to understand Thermo, which is progress, right? ๐
And of course, I couldn’t resist, so I signed up for volunteering at the Imperial Festival on the 7th May. Because why not… They said I should “spread the word” and “use hashtags” so:
Come to the #ImpFest because it will be great and awesome and science and fun and #OurImperial is obviously the best university <3
Ohh and I am supposed to spread this lovely flyer, too ๐