On the 18th of January of this new year, the Bioengineering society organized a celebratory event with free drinks, free snacks & karaoke!
The celebration was for those students whose exams are almost finished. However, for first years (like me), we didn’t have many exams in the beginning of the new term. But we did have several coursework to do over the break.
The drinks and snacks were simple – fruit juice, soda, chips, cheese and crackers. But what made everyone’s night, at least for me, was the karaoke.
This was my first karaoke event, and I was self-conscious at first because after hearing recordings of myself, I believe that my voice is not one for music. At the event, however, I decided to let loose and just have fun.
And it was.
It was actually addicting. (Probably explains why I went to another karaoke event with the Cross Country club 9 days later).
After singing Riptide (by Vance Joy) with my Bioengineering friends, I wanted to keep on going but since I was also the photographer for the night, I had to GTS (get the shots). You can view the photos taken here.

Though it was my first karaoke experience, what made it memorable and fun was the interaction with my new great friends I have made at Imperial.
We have come together by similar interests, and I’m sure our bonds will only strengthen as time goes on.
But besides the amazing parties we have, being a Bioengineering student at Imperial is unique.
Have you got any questions? Leave them below and I’ll answer ASAP.
-Franz T. C.
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