Challenge of the week: The long wait

Back in October I joined final year medical students from all over the country, by applying for a job for next year. This was quite an exciting moment, with planning and excitement in deciding what area of the country I would like to work in for the next 2 years!

The programme for jobs is currently national, so all expected graduates rank areas of the country (‘deaneries’) in order of preference. There are over 20 areas, some as large as Scotland, others as small as North West London, and you have to rank them all (harder than it sounds!). The scheme provides jobs for the next 2 years, and it is a great opportunity for many to move to a new area of the country to try; if you don’t like it there it’s not that long!.

My challenge this week has been to keep my patience in the long wait to find out where I have been allocated (it takes a long time to sort everyone out)! After the excitement of hearing about where my friends have put as their top choice at last week’s STFYD (see my last blog post) and visiting some of my top choices over Christmas, the suspense keeps building. Hopefully when March comes and we all find out it will be a pleasant surprise!

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