Hey Everyone!

The past few weeks has been another whirlwind session of lectures, tutorials, and assorted social activities (due to the impending progress tests, the latter was slightly reduced). I fiddled around with an engine and gearbox, revised, made a cheese blanket, and last but not least, took not one, not two, but seven progress tests, all of which I think went alright!
We also tested out our hovercrafts (see my previous post!). The race track was a lot longer than I thought it would be, but our hovercraft could a) go in a straight line, and b) do that in a very speedy time. Alas, my team was not fast enough, as we did not make it to the semi finals. Better luck next time!
Having revised quite a bit, I think I somehow managed to pull though with the progress tests. My fundamental coping mechanism when I receive my results will be to focus on the word “progress”; this is where I am starting at, so if I have done really well, that is awesome, but if I have got a few questions wrong, at least that shows me where my weak spots are, and how I can improve.
On the upside, its the most wonderful time of the year! Soon I shall be embarking on a train back to my home town, after which I will enjoy family, presents, and copious amounts of Christmas pudding. Also, I need to watch star wars before it gets spoiled for me, which becomes an increasing likelihood as more people I know have watched it.

Merry Christmas everyone!