So.. recently in my course I’ve experienced some changes.
Research Project
My MSc in Preventive Cardiology is a taught course where we have to do a research project worth a 3rd of our overall grade. Those who want to do a PhD or go into research after their masters understand the importance of the research project and choose something that they may like to follow up afterwards. As I’ve said in a previous post, I am interested in cardiovascular disease and mental health, and I was hoping that as part of my research project I could actually have patient contact and carry out some interviews. Sadly, that didn’t happen due to a little thing called ethics.
I may sound bitter, but ethics is really important to make sure that any study you do involving humans is done in a way that causes as little harm as possible. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t apply in good time, and it was suggested I forget about that part of my project. It was hard to let go of as I thought it would have really given me an edge into what it’s like to carry out research in the real world. Nevertheless it was necessary for me to let go, as it would have been time consuming and it may have been too much for me to handle.
So I’ve realised sometimes it’s better to see the bigger picture and accept change – things may not always work out the way you plan, but it’s not always a bad thing to let go. As long as I do my best with my project it can still contribute to the scientific literature out there, as it may show information that nobody has explored before!
Preventive Cardiology Staff
Another change that happened during our course, is that our lovely course coordinator – Anna – and I.T. technician – Katie – are leaving *cries*. Although hasn’t even been a year yet, it’s easy to grow quite attached to people around you, and even though my course is more than half way through, it will be strange not to see them in university any more.
A picture of us all during their leaving party.
Nevertheless, I know they’re moving onto better things, so I embrace all of this change with joy! 🙂
~ Nebz