Summer term is hard on us all. Revision, coursework and exams are all afoot and in this trying time it can become difficult to function as a responsible adult. It remains even more important this term to take care of yourself properly as this will help prevent you from becoming ill during this stressful period and reduce your general stress levels. Here are a couple of my revision period tips:
1. See your friends. This is the easiest time to block them out, put your head down and power through those late night library sessions without distraction. Whilst this may work for some, I’m not a fan of this method. Your friends will be able to keep you accountable during this time, they can make sure you’re eating, sleeping and observing basic personal hygiene (I’m not joking about that one), you can do the same for them and it’s good for the soul to have some down time every now and then, even if it’s just grabbing lunch together.

2. Do your laundry. There is nothing worse than running out of clothes when you’re revising. You’ll know things are getting out of hand if you have to go to the shops in your pyjamas more than once in a seven day period. If things are getting out of hand, suck it up and throw a couple of loads in. You’ll feel more productive and happy knowing that you have sorted your laundry and can snuggle in fresh sheets.
3. Eat good food! Have a weekend where you cook for the rest of the week. Having good, nutritious food in the freezer provides you with quick meals to microwaveafter a day at uni and should deter you from spending money on food that isn’t good for you just because it’s quick and easy. As someone who is always getting ill during stressful times, I really recommend you take this advice… healthy body, healthy mind!
4. Make revision fun. I like making posters with felt tips (it’s sad when that counts as fun). This will prevent you from losing your mind during those long study hours.
Good luck friends!