Looking Back

As we approach the final stretch of a very busy year, I would like to take a moment and reflect upon what I believe were good and perhaps not so good decisions that I have made during its course. Hopefully this would help Freshers of 2015 and any future Imperial Chemical Engineering students so that you won’t repeat my mistakes. So, instead of a to-do list (which I think is quite presumptuous-me telling you what you should do), I compiled a ‘what-NOT-to-do’ list. Here it is:


     Leave everything until the Easter break.

You might think that a month is more than enough time to catch up with 6 months’ worth of material, but, trust me, it is not.

And I know it is partly my fault for not listening to our seniors’ advice. Okay, fine it is TOTALLY my fault. Though perhaps I can only learn the hard way; procrastinate, panic and vow not to repeat this next year.

     Not participate in any societies or clubs.

In my defence, I went to the Netball taster session, so I DID put some effort. However, I quickly realised it was not for me; spending two hours travelling to and fro to practise once a week and running in the cold, dark night, AND go to lectures at 9 am (all my lectures start early-yes 9 am is now considered early!) the next day was just too much for me.

In hindsight, I wish I volunteered throughout the year with different charities. There is quite a number of charity related societies which I am planning to get involved with next year (assuming I pass the exams in June; fingers crossed!).

     Stay indoors during the first term.

I am VERY lazy; my idea of a perfect evening is lying on my bed, with some hot chocolate to drink and a good book to read. So, it is safe to say that I did not take full advantage of my strategically located abode. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret not doing anything during the first term. I would even advice against it; go out, party, chill, even embark on a road trip. Just don’t stay home and watch movie marathons all the time.

And if you think that this is a good way of avoiding catching Freshers’ flu, you cannot be further from the truth; no matter what precautions you take, the days of being bed stricken are inevitable, I am afraid.

     Avoid cooking at all costs.

After more than six months of living by myself, I can confirm that I have yet to cook my first dish. Admittedly, I did not make any effort; I couldn’t stand the heat so I stayed out of the kitchen (at least I am following SOMEBODY’S advice!). At this point I am not even certain whether I’ll ever learn how to cook. But, hey, never say never, right?

     Not apply to be a student blogger.

During the first few weeks, I saw countless advertisements around campus all encouraging students to apply to be student blogger for Imperial. I thought to myself, ‘Well, I like to ramble a lot, and quite opinionated so why not share that with a bigger audience?’ And here I am doing exactly that! I hope you have been entertained by my ramblings (my friends and family are sick of it by now) and have gained an insight to what it is like being a student here-at least, from my perspective.

So when you see those adverts the next academic year, go for it; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

That marks the end of my ‘what-NOT-to-do list’. It is quite succinct but I feel it covers all the essentials. Should you follow my advice? YES!! Would you? It is entirely up to you, but, readers, you have been warned…

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