We are more than half way through our Spring Break already (where did the time go??!!) and it has become clear that I have fallen in the latter category: the people hibernating and pulling all-nighters. It’s just that I’ve slacked off the last month and there’s so much to catch up on and revise if I ever hope to pass the exams, now about a month away.
Despite that I still managed to slip away from the mountain of work to enjoy the long, sunny days (England is experiencing unusual weather patterns; it got all the way up to 20°C this week) and went to London Zoo to celebrate my friend’s birthday. Believe it or not, I have never been to a zoo before so I was actually quite excited; almost like a 5-year-old when you tell them you’re getting ice cream. It was absolutely amazing to take in all these animals that I have watched for years on National Geographic documentaries and to see them in real life. Though I was a bit disappointed that there were no bears or lions (they’re bringing lions in the spring of 2016 but no word on the bears yet) but the other animals more than made up for it, especially seeing a real life okapi (a weird looking animal that resembles a mule in height, a zebra in the stripes on its back and a giraffe in its tongue. It’s too difficult to explain so I added a picture!). It was also great to see the zoo’s effort at conservation activities like growing coral and breeding programs done by ZSL (Zoological Society of London) around the world, although they did strike me as pessimistic when they labelled animals as ‘not YET threatened’ as if it were inevitable that every animal would be (which I know to be false because flour beetles can survive a freaking nuclear fallout-even better than cockroaches! And let’s be real, insects do not seem like they would go extinct anytime soon; you kill one and twenty more appear!).

I then went on a shopping spree the very next day; spring is finally here and I needed a few items as my closet is not prepared for temperatures above 15°C. And while I was procrastinating anyway, I thought, ‘Why stop?’ and watched Dior and I’ (a documentary giving the world a unique look into one of the last fashion houses that still follow the ‘haute couture traditions’).
But I am afraid I can no longer procrastinate any further if I have any hope of covering all the material I have left before the exams. Alas, I must turn to Heat and Mass Transfer for now.