Enjoy the Moment

It’s the end of March!

Just a gentle reminder in case you hadn’t realised yet 😀

When this year started I was convinced that by now I would have achieved so many things. Not “resolutions” as such, just plans I’d made – such as joining basketball, gospel choir, writing, learning Japanese, etcetera etcetera…
However as of yet nothing’s happened. I find myself getting caught up with studying and working, with little money left to do what I’d planned. However living in London has made me see that cash has little to do with have a decent time. In all honesty, all you need is great company!

Whether its skating along Southbank at night with friends, having extra practice with the church band or catching up with my family over some delicious but cheap pizza-cookie topped with ice-cream to share, I’m already loving this year, even though I haven’t done all that I planned to do. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my list, but I’m learning to live in the moments as they happen and not worry so much about the future.

Cue short montage of recent good times!

~ Nebz

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