Didn’t get time to blog yesterday – so here is Thursday and Friday 🙂
I didn’t have any lectures yesterday, which I don’t think was coincidental – Wednesday was Varsity so I doubt many would have shown up if we’d had lectures. I didn’t end up going to bed early on Wednesday night, but made up for it by getting up late on Thursday morning and then procrastinated for a couple of hours … and then made a cake … so I wasn’t being entirely unproductive, but it wasn’t the type of productivity I’d been planning on. I eventually made it to the library a bit after 3pm – so much for having a ‘library day.’ Still, I got a bit of PBL done, then met my Respiratory-Lecturer-Personal-Tutor for a couple of hours to go over some resp stuff that I missed/don’t understand – it now makes much more sense!

Afterwards I headed over to the Reynolds at Charing Cross campus for Opera Remingle – it was lovely to catch up with the Light Opera family, and was a really fun, friendly evening. I didn’t get into cast for 24 Hour Opera, but am excited to be getting involved with costumes 🙂 When I got back to halls the cake had vanished (I admit that I had given everyone permission to help themselves; luckily I’d had some before I went out!) Apparently they’d been a dispute over who got the last piece, resulting in Ash licking it so that Emma wouldn’t eat it …
I finally got my PBL finished in the early hours (with a bit of help from Regina Spektor, Ani DiFranco, Joni Mitchell and Feist 🙂 ), and got a few hours sleep before getting up for a 9am lecture on lung infection – it was a really good, worth getting up for. Then I had a practical where we measured the Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate of our lungs. I got really competitive and was trying to get higher results then Ben (which is probably impossible as he is a/ male; b/ taller than me and c/ most likely fitter than me.)
I’m sure I didn’t look this silly though! (Love you really Ben!)
I had a quick nap after getting home, then headed over to Charing Cross campus to help make a tree for Mental Health Awareness Week. Laurence (newly elected ICSMSU Welfare Officer 2015-16) and I tried making a 3D tree which didn’t quite work out, so it’s now going to be 2D instead … we might have been a bit too ambitious! It’s going to be finished on Sunday (hopefully); but Mama Welfare Jen (ICSMSU Welfare Officer 2014-15) and Papa Welfare Laurence have forbidden me to do any more tree-making to until I’ve written my Society & Health essay and revised for my Epidemiology exam 🙁
So now I’m trying (and failing) to write 2000 words on Health Perception and Risk. Which is quite as interesting, but not as much fun as making a tree 🙁
I’m glad it’s the weekend – it’s been a busy (and sleep-deprived) week, I definitely need a rest. Can’t believe there’s only one week (Mental Health Awareness Week!!!) left of this term.
Blog again tomorrow,
Em xx