Today was a good day.
Today was sunny.
I think not.
I love sunshiiiiiiine!!! 🙂
I’m sure it’s easier to get out of bed when it’s sunny, so I actually made it to lectures on time today. And I even had time to take some (sunny) photos of my walk to uni to show y’all.

First lecture was on something. Probably COPD or asthma, because that’s what Resp seems to be mostly about…. Okay, I just checked, it was actually on ‘Sensory Aspects of Respiratory Disease’ i.e. symptoms. I remember now (vaguely…)
Then we had a two hour lecture (!!) on the Acid-Base Balance. It was about buffers (stopping blood from becoming too acidic/alkaline) and we learnt to interpret ABGs (Arterial Blood Gases) which was exciting because it felt properly doctor-y 🙂
I went back to halls briefly for lunch, then met up with my FCA partner, Dan, to visit our patient. FCA (First Clinical Attachment) is a module where, over the course of the year, we visit our assigned patient in their home and talk to them about their experience of having a chronic illness, accessing healthcare etc. – the more Psycho-Social element of medicine. Our patient is really lovely and chatty – although it’s often easy to go off on a tangent and end up having a good ol’ gossip instead of asking about their condition etc. But it’s all good fun.
Afterwards I went to the Charing Cross campus, to work on my PBL in the library (not finished yet, but will be tomorrow!) and for a meeting with the Mental Health Awareness Week team. Everything’s pretty much sorted for next week – we have someone coming in to teach Mindfulness on Monday; a Mind Matters discussion group on Tuesday (Mind Matters has been set up by Psych Soc and ICSM Welfare Officer Jen, and gives people who are interested in/suffer from MH problems the chance to get together to talk); and a talk on Thursday by someone with both personal and professional experience of Mental Illness. I can’t wait, it should be really good! Afterwards Jen explained some ABG stuff that I hadn’t completely understood this morning – it now makes a lot more sense 🙂
Afterwards I met my dad for pizza, which was really nice end to a really good day 🙂 I’m back at halls now; hung out in the kitchen for a little bit with this crazy lot…

…and am now planning to get an early night!
Sleep well everyone,
Em xx