Guess who finished her exams this week guys… IT’S MEEE! I am so happy to have finished for this exam season. I had a great Christmas at home with the family but studying and having a horrendous cold at the same time was kind of sad. Last Thursday I sat my final paper for this exam period which was Genetics. I was expecting an absolute nightmare of a paper but it ended up being much better than expected so I’m very happy with that.
One thing that can be hard about starting university, especially at Imperial, is that you basically lose your holidays. The level of studying that you have to do over Christmas if your exams fall in January is quite intense and I know I get kinda sad that I can’t spend as much as time with my family and friends as I want to. Having a good work-life balance is really important and I think it’s really easy to get into a place where studying becomes your whole life and you let your friends and other commitments fall by the wayside. Ultimately it’s up to you how you decide to tackle this part of your university life but personally, I know it’s dangerous for me to put so much emphasis on my academic achievement. Yes my degree is important, BUT being happy, spending time with the people I love and having a well-rounded life is important to me to. At the end of the day, I put as much effort as I could have in to my exams and revision and I am well pleased 🙂
I spent the weekend post-exams chilling spending time with friends and having London adventures. I was lucky enough to be able to meet up with a group of people that I worked on summer camp with last August on Sunday and we had a great afternoon together in East London. I rarely have a reason to go East so spending time there with people who know it well was so much fun! We had a curry on Brick Lane and then wandered around the Sunday market, where you can find loads of amazing vintage clothes for really good prices, and went for a drink in a really cute French café. Brick Lane is full or quirky little places to have coffee and a French café filled with flowers, candles, trellises and bird cages in the middle of a street of curry houses was no exception!

Last night I went out for a good friend’s birthday dinner with all of my favourite people which was certainly an experience. We went to a Brazilian grill restaurant where everyone gets given a card by their plate and as long as you have the green side facing up, the waiters keep bringing meat to the table, which they carve right there!

Needless to say it was an intense, meat-filled evening (I didn’t manage to eat everything although considering there were fifteen different kinds of meat available I don’t feel like too much of a failure!) and a very interesting experience!
The weekend is over however, and I’ve had my first introductory lectures for my new course, Cell and Developmental Biology. SO excited about this course and considering that my intro lecture included a segment on why dragons can’t actually exist, I’d say we’re off to a good start. Basically, since dragons have six limbs (four legs and two wings) they would have to be classed as insects. Maybe insect-sized dragons could be a thing?
Happy new term everybody!