My Imperial Summer so far!

Hi friends!

I’m about a month in to my long summer holiday and to be quite honest, I don’t know what I’ve been doing all this time O_o I feel like I should be as busy as I usually am at uni but to be honest it’s been nice to kick back a bit and chill at home. The novelty of free food and laundry is starting to wear off a little but once I move in to my new place in September I expect I will sorely miss it! More on that a bit later though.

This might sound a bit sad but I decided I needed to start a new hobby over the summer since now I’m not thinking solely about biology and CU committee 24/7 and my life seems to have lost it’s meaning. SO I’ve started knitting again (don’t judge me). My first project is this Gryffindor scarf:



And y’know, you can think I’m ridiculous for knitting Harry Potter themed clothing buuuut I get a super awesome scarf out of it so LOOK WHO’S LAUGHING NOW. I also went on a yarn buying spree with one of my friends who can knit a thousand times better than I can (we enable eachother’s yarn-buying habits, it’s not healthy) and I have stuff coming in the post to make a beanie hat.

I think the knitting habit will come in handy when my flatmates and I move in to our new flat in September and are too broke to have the heating on over winter. I am sooo excited to move in, it’s such a nice place and it fulfils all my criteria for where I want to live. Finding a place to live in London has been a steep learning curve to say the least. It’s very strange to think that less than a year ago I was living at home, almost entirely financially dependent on my parents and oblivious to the workings of running a household. Rent? Bills? Naaah. But now I have been to house viewings, made an offer on a property, signed a contract, almost ended up in a contract race (that was a stressful 48 hours), paid an insane amount of money (they’re really not lying when they tell you it’s expensive to rent in this city!) and begun to set up house bank accounts. WHAT. It’s fun though. I can’t wait to live with my flatmates and decorate our flat and have like, Mexican nights. Ok we haven’t discussed Mexican nights. Guys if you’re reading this, please can we do this.

BUT there is still about two months until I move in, so what am I doing in the meantime. In a couple of weeks I am flying out to the East of France to be an animateur en formation at a bilingual Christian summer camp for a week. An animateur en formation (animef for short) is like an assistant leader and we help facilitate the camp, so washing up, cooking, cleaning, organising games etc. We also do Bible studies together and generally have fun. I’ve not been to this camp before but I’mvery excited! It’s an opportunity to practice my francais and travel abroad without my parents… another adult experience that I need to get over!

When I get back from camp I have a couple of weeks and then I’m off again to Oswestry in Shropshire for a five day conference for Christian students who are going to be serving in Christian Unions at their universities. SO EXCITED FOR THIS. I went to the regional weekend version of this conference back in February and it was unbelivably fun so I can’t imagine how great it’s gonna be spending a week with all the other regions and also getting to see my Imperial friendlies again after a long time apart.

Not long till results day for all you Year 13s! My tip for results day is to check track before you go in to collect your paper results and to take the phone number for the admissions office along with you in case there’s any problems. I actually missed my Imperial offer by a grade (happens to the best of us) but had already seen on track before opening my results that I’d been accepted, which I was able to verify when I called the admissions office.

Best of luck people!

2 comments for “My Imperial Summer so far!

  1. Hey Isobel,
    I will start my studies on Biology next October, I am worried about a few things..
    1. When can we know our timetable for this year?
    2. Where can I find some notes or reading lists in order to prepare myself a bit?

    I have lots of silly questions… can I contact you through email or facebook? I really need some help please 🙁

    Thank you so much!!!!

    1. Hi there! First off, don’t worry. I know I got really worked up about not having my time table but you won’t start uni without it so fear not! I would recommend taking a look at the life sciences page to get a better feel for what’s going on this year. As far as I can tell from a quick search myself, the 2014/2015 timetable hasn’t come out yet, but this document will give you an idea of what to expect and also contains a handy reading list for each course. It contains the timetable from my first year so you can probably expect something similar. Other than that, just sit tight and make sure you have the correct email address written down in the e-portal, as you will soon be receiving mail from the undergrad office to prepare you for starting your course. If you’re really worried about anything, just send a quick message to the UG office at Hope this helps!

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