Ok I didn’t actually party that hard buuuuut TERM IS OVER! I’m making use of this time before an incredibly busy 4 weeks of holiday where I won’t be able to blog much, if at all, to spam all of you with the thrilling details of my life. So what happened this week.
On Monday I handed in my final essay of the term which was on the origin of HIV/AIDS in humans. It was actually very interesting to write but maaan was I glad to submit that. I had to read a lot of papers to understand this particular topic and I still find reading journals quite difficult! I’m trying to be more disciplined about my approach to using scientific literature though (i.e. actually read the paper instead of just the abstract). A couple of my friends were singing in the Gospel Showcase on Monday night so I went along. It was fab, the music was amazing and it just looked like so much fun that I’m quite tempted to join… Watch this space 😉
On Tuesday I had my final French lesson of the year. I don’t know if I’ve talked much about French on this blog so far but I take two French classes on top of my degree, one which everyone doing a French and science course takes which is about French society, culture and general issues affecting France and one specifically for year in Europe students which focusses more on scientific vocabulary in order to prepare us for university over there. I won’t lie, I’ve found it really hard to stay on top of all my French work this term and I’m looking forward to having a break after Easter but on the whole it’s been really worthwhile!
On Wednesday I had a handover meal with the outgoing Christian Union committee which was lovely but also a little scary as it means the new committee (of which I am the secretary) are now completely in charge of sorting everything out. I don’t think I quite appreciated just how much behind the scenes work goes on but suffice to say I have a lot of work to do over Easter!
On Thursday I had my final French exam of the year! I don’t think it went as well as the one I did last week but I’m just happy to get it over with. (Side note in case anyone in languages administration reads this – why would you schedule a two hour exam over lunch??) I also gave a presentation on the sei whale which was a little stressful but also kinda fun. Everyone in my tutor group was presenting on different endangered animals from the IUCN Red List – an inventory on the conservation status of loads of different animal and plant species- and it was really interesting. On Thursday night, we had our first CU meeting under the organisation of the new committee which went really well, and then the whole CU went out for dinner together at Wagamama. After dinner a few of us went on to the Union where the fabulous IC Big Band were playing a gig in Metric (Metric is kind of a tiny nightclub-type space). IT WAS SO FUN. I would definitely reccommend going to one of their concerts. We danced so hard, my feet were aching and my ears were ringing by the time I got home!
Friday saw the last day of lectures and then meeting up with a couple of people for coffee, doing some CU admin and having a film night with one of my bestest buds.
Today I had lunch with a friend before she went home for the holiday and then spent a lovely afternoon by myself in Battersea Park. Battersea Park is one of my all time favourite places in London; it’s big enough that you can spend a good couple of hours wondering around but not so big (like Hyde Park) that you can’t easily find your way out. It’s also right next to the river so you can strollalong the Thames if you so desire. There a lot of joggers that run by the river, I’m thinking I need to try this out. I usually hate running but I think I could get back into it if I get to run alongside the river with beautiful Battersea Park on my other side!

Hasn’t been the most rad end of term but it’s been pretty great. Looking forward to going away for a bit in the Easter break (Spain here I coooome!) but not so much to the revision that it also looming over me.
Hope you all have blessed Easters and I’ll see you in four weeks xxx