Month: May 2021

Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Potential of Doctoral Students, 29 June 2021, 10am-1pm, Online

Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Potential of Doctoral Students | 29 June 2021 | 10am-1pm | Online

Discover innovative practices in identifying, recruiting and nurturing entrepreneurial mindsets with doctoral students

About this event

To register please click here.

During this event supported by Enterprise Educators UK, you will hear from a variety of individuals across the UK Higher Education sector who teach and encourage doctoral students to be more entrepreneurial.

Programme Outline

  • 10.00-10.10 Welcome Jerry Allen, Director for Entrepreneurship UCL
  • 10.10-10.30 Why doctoral students make great entrepreneurs – what we have learned from the SPERO programme, Dr Ruth Weir UCL
  • 10.30-10.50 Project ISIKLE and evaluating mind-set change in PhD entrepreneurship programmes, Dr Hannah Williams UCL
  • 10.50-11.10 Developing the Entrepreneurial Mind-set of Doctoral Researchers – Lessons from ICR Programme at MEC, Dr Fatemeh Salehi, University of Manchester
  • 11.10-11.20 Break
  • 11.20-11.40 Why and How We are Training PhD Students to Be Entrepreneurial at King’s. Rachel Stockey, Kings College London
  • 11.40-12.00 But what if I’m not an Entrepreneur? Experiments in acceleration, Augusta Critchley, Project Coordinator, MedTech SuperConnector, Imperial College London
  • 12.00-12.20 Creating employable PhDs and PhD employers, Gareth Trainer, Newcastle University
  • 12.20-12.50 Chaired discussion
  • 12.50-13.00 Concluding remarks

To register please click here.

WE Innovate Final – 25 June 2021

We are delighted to invite you to attend this year’s WE Innovate Final which is taking place on Friday 25th June at 12pmThe event will provide an opportunity to celebrate the brilliant achievements and progress of women entrepreneurs at Imperial and we’d love for you to join us!

The teams have already been developing their business plans for 3 months whilst learning valuable entrepreneurship skills through workshops, coaching and online modules. The five finalist teams will be shortlisted and present their ventures at the WE Innovate Final in the hope of winning a share of the £30K prize fund. We’ll also hear the winners of the People’s Vote: Lauren Dennis Award and Engineers in Business Award.

In the meantime, please meet our 10 semi-finalist teams who are spending this term refining their ideas and practicing their pitching skills in the hope of being selected to present their ventures in the WE Innovate Final!

Tickets are now available on the Enterprise Lab website, show your support and book your place today.

UK X-ray free electron lasers Science Case: contribute your thoughts to a survey and endorse a support letter for the “UK XFEL” project

UK X-ray free electron lasers Science Case: contribute your thoughts to a survey and endorse a support letter for the “UK XFEL” project

In 2019 STFC launched a project to develop a Science Case for a next generation X-ray free electron laser (XFEL), the UK XFEL project. The scientific lead of this project is Jon Marangos (Imperial, Physics) and the science team comprises a wide spectrum of experts from the disciplines already impacted by XFELs including from Imperial: Jasper van Thor (Life Sciences) and Xiaodong Zhang (Infectious Disease) and David Dye (Materials).

As part of the broadening of the community engagement for a UK XFEL, a community survey has been launched, including a support letter for the “UK XFEL” project that can be endorsed (you can view the letter below and find out more about the project here. You can complete the survey with or without endorsing the letter). The team is seeking to learn more about XFEL active researchers and potential future active researchers across all disciplines. The survey will only take a few minutes to complete.

Support letter for the “UK XFEL” project

“To whom it may concern,

X-ray free electron lasers (XFELS) have emerged as important and wide-ranging tools for advanced science over the last decade. Their impact has been extensive (from catalysis and energy research to structural biology and laboratory astrophysics) and has opened-up a new era in research in structural dynamics. In the UK and around the world significant numbers of scientists have begun to engage with these opportunities, and many more are hoping to do so as the capabilities are developed, and as capacity grows so that it becomes easier to secure access.

The UK XFEL Science Case examines the transformative scientific opportunities that will be created with a Next Generation XFEL i.e. one that can deliver near transform limited pulses, high reproducibility, and synchronised to a wide range of external beams (e.g. lasers, THz and electrons) all delivered at a high repetition rate with a pulse structure matching state-of-the-art sample delivery and detector technologies. We strongly endorse this scientific vision, and fully support the next stage in the efforts to ensure that there is an overall capacity increase and that these new capabilities can be made available over the next decade for advancing science and technology.”

The survey

The survey link is:

Black In Academia: The Careers Seminar Series (19 May – 14 July 2021)

Leading Routes is running a series of four seminars between May 19th and July 14th 2021 for Black PhDs and early career academics, covering publishing, jobs, and grant writing. The topics are as follows:

Getting Published: A roadmap to journals & academic book publishing – Wednesday 19th May, 13:00


  • Dr Madeline Kennedy-Macfoy – European Journal of Women’s Studies
  • Delayna Spencer  – SAGE Publishing
  • Justine Hope – SAGE Publishing

Register via this link

Rethinking Post-PhD Careers: Alternative paths in academia and research – Wednesday 16th June, 17:00


  • Dr. Muna Abdi (MA Education Consultancy)
  • Dr. Sonia Nelson (Wiley, Chemistry)
  • Professor Chris Jackson (EarthArXiv & University of Manchester)

Register via this link

Writing winning grants for STEM – Wednesday 7th July, 17:00


  • Karen Devine (British Ecological Society)
  • Shomari Lewis-Wilson (Wellcome)
  • Jackie Jones (Wiley)

Register via this link

Writing winning grants for arts, humanities, & social sciences – Wednesday 14th July, 17:00


  • Catherine Souch (Royal Geographical Society)
  • Professor Simon Swain or Professor Katherine Ellis (The British Academy, Research and Higher Education Policy)
  • Anna O’Brien

Register via this link

Opportunity to contribute to the Working Together Task Group 

Students and staff are invited to contribute to important ongoing work to develop a positive working culture, with a focus on identifying practical actions for positive and sustainable cultural change.

The Working Together Task Group will be running a number of facilitated conversations with the College community in May and June, to inform recommendations for implementation in the new academic year.

External independent facilitator, Louisa Hardman, who has extensive experience of supporting positive change in complex institutions including universities, charities and the NHS, is helping the Group develop this work, supported by our College HR and Organisational Development teams.

Anyone at the College is welcome to be part of the conversation and there are different ways to take part:

  • Staff and student representatives with formal leadership responsibilities at all levels across the College will receive personal invitations to the conversation sessions shortly.
  • Open sessions will be held for staff and students who would like to take part in the facilitated exercise, although these will be on a first come basis.

o    Staff should sign up here.

o    Students should sign up here

  • Written submissions are also invited if you can’t take part or choose not to attend a session.

The Working Together Task Group will provide its report and recommendations to the President’s and Provost’s Boards this Summer for implementation to begin in the new academic year.

Future Insight Days – 12-14 July 2021

2021 Future Insight Days – United by science for a better tomorrow – Future Insight Days 2021

Register now to join free of charge the online Future Insight Days from July 12th – 14th. The 2021 Future Insight Days feature the awarding of the 1 million euro Future Insight Prize, the Nature Spin-off prize and the Johann Anton Merck Award. Expect engaging keynote presentations, panel discussions and many opportunities to boost your network with top people. Topics covered include: Food for a growing world population, cancer, autoimmune disease, life-sciences, material sciences, digitalization.

Find out more details and register today at: (for world)