Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP)

We have recently established a new scholarship which can be used for PhD students and Post-Docs wanting to conduct research stays at RWTH Aachen University. The “Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP)” offers a travel grant of 1.000€ (lump sum) and a monthly stipend of 1.800€ for a period of up to 6 months.
The goal of the program is to strengthen and intensify bilateral relations between RWTH Aachen University and international universities and research institutions of strategic relevance. Among other purposes, the research stays may be used to prepare joint research projects and publications, initiate joint projects in the field of capacity building, develop teaching projects at the partner university, and organize future visits and student exchange programs.

More information on the program can be found here. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with Dr. Daniel Holder.


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