What is the Imperial Photography Digest?

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I run the Central Communications photography facility here at Imperial, I am also the Colleges in house photographer.

Through this blog I hope to shed a little light on what we do here, share tales from around campus along with great images, and useful resources for anyone involved in Imperial photography in any form.

About photography at Imperial

Imperial College London uses professional photography on its website, its social media channels, in its print publications and in other marketing and communications material, such as press releases, posters advertising events and mailings to our alumni community.

Our photography is stored in the College’s Asset Library, a resource that is managed by Communications & Public Affairs. The Asset Library can be accessed by members of the College community, who can download images for use in promoting the College and its work.

Other Imperial photography resources

Here at Imperial there are actually some great resources for keen photographers to get involved with:

As a member of Imperial, you have free access to the very useful Lynda online courses.
How to sign up to free Lynda.com courses with Imperial
(This gives you access to nearly 30,000 instructional photography videos!)

You can sign up for the Imperial photography practice and theory evening classes.
Photography: Practice & Theory evening classes

There is also the ICU Photo Society (Staff can join via an associate Union membership)
ICU Photosoc (with Dark room membership)