Category: Available light

Featured Shoot – Silwood Campus

Exploring the Imperial campuses

Each of the nine Imperial campuses have their own personality, but the one that resonates with me the most is Silwood Park.

A student examines a plant in a greenhouse.Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London [Click Image to expand] (more…)

Featured Shoot – Freshers’ Fair

Freshers’ Fair.

With this years Imperial Freshers’ Fair rolling around, I wanted to revisit some of my favourite images from the event.
A cheerleader is held up in the air by three friends.Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand] (more…)

Image of the week – Lasers and Liquid Nitrogen

“Can we have an image of the Klug Lab’s lasers?”

The interesting process of getting this image of the lasers in Professor David Klug’s lab…

A picture of the light paths of green and blue lasers reflected by lenses.Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand]

Featured Image – Ballet in natural light

Making the most of the light.

Presidents Scholar Carmen Martin Alonso poses for a photoshoot in the Imperial College Union activity space for the Annual Fundraising Report.
Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand] (more…)

Special Visitors

Shooting the College’s VIP events

VIP visits to the College are logistically huge. They involve large numbers of people as well as a good deal of planning, but are always over in a flash.

President Xi Jinping at a demonstration of robotic instruments.Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand]

Featured Lab – The Thin Film Technology Lab

A Cathedral of technology.

This week I had the opportunity to shoot some new images in this amazing lab space in Bessemer.

Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand] (more…)

Image of the Week – Graduation Fisheye

New angles on Graduation.

President of Imperial, Professor Alice P. Gast, shakes the hand of a graduating student on the stage at the Royal Albert Hall, while a spectator in a headscarf watches on from the left of the picture.

Professor Alice P. Gast shakes the hand of a Medicine Graduate on the stage at the Royal Albert Hall, while a spectator in a Niqab watches on from the left of the picture. Image copyright Thomas Angus / Imperial College LondonImage © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand] (more…)

Image of the Week – Faculty shadow corridor

Faculty shadow corridor.

Simon Levey from the Grantham Institute takes a phone call while walking along a corridor of light outside the Faculty Building.
Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand] (more…)

Featured Image – Geology and the rule of thirds

When Geology and Geometry combine, the rule of thirds.

An undergraduate geologist from the Department of Earth Science and Engineering makes field notes on a field trip to the Jurassic Coast in Dorset.

Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand] (more…)

Featured Image – High Above Queens Tower

Above Campus.

Some images get used more than others and this set from a secret location high above the South Kensington Campus has certainly seen some action.

Image © Thomas Angus / Imperial College London  [Click Image to expand] (more…)