Goodbye 2017….. Hello 2018…

Its December 2017…. Christmas is here, just like that. My favorite holiday and especially that of my kids too.

Reflecting back at the year 2017, I am smiling from chin-to-chin or should I say face-to-face. In 2017, I took enormous risk in almost every aspect of my life. This year, I walked by FAITH and not by SIGHT.

Prior to the beginning of a New Year, I always have a list of things that I plan to achieve in the upcoming – New Year. In the 2017 list, I stretched myself and my FAITH in God. So, few nights ago I was reading my journal on my “2017 to-do-list” (written sometime in November/December 2016) and I screamed out loud as I achieved close to 95% of my 2017 set target/goals. Now, don’t get me wrong…. This took enormous hard work and sacrifice. Lots of “no sleep”…. “no personal life”…. “minimal time spent with my family”…..etc etc etc. But I have absolutely no regrets. The year – 2017 was all about building my future – my career and ultimately my personal brand.

On December 15th, 2017 – I took my last exams in the Imperial College Global Online MBA program. I am so grateful to God for the opportunity to be enrolled in such a prestigious academic institution. It’s amazing how just a little FAITH can propel you into greater heights in life. In just a few weeks, I will commence my 2nd/Final year in Business School and I have almost concluded my ‘’2018 stretched’’ goals for the New Year. I am taking electives that will take me out of my comfort zone and stretch my mind beyond any form of limits. I am so excited about the New Year…… 2017 was an amazing year BUT, I tell you 2018 will be the year to top-up all years and it just gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.

To my family and friends who has remained supportive in my quest to building a strong career and personal brand – THANK YOU. To my amazing kids especially, you both inspire me to push boundaries and keep stretching until I reach and acquire. I love you both so much with all of my heart.

To the creator of the universe – GOD, thank you for your GRACE as it has been more than sufficient for me to move all the way.

Watch this space for more to come in 2018……… (I promise to post more often in 2018)..

Merry Christmas and see you in the New Year.

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