There has pretty much been non-stop rain in Lagos for the past 7-days. However, in the last 2-3 days the rain has been very intense. Lagos has been experiencing rain leading to heavy flood on roads, homes and loss of items. Thankful, there hasn’t been any loss of lives so far and my prayer is that it remains that way… Amen.

Coupled with the terrible flood, in my area we haven’t had light for more than 2-weeks or so. Thankful we spend most times out of the house (because of work and school for the kids), but weekends when the kids want to watch TV, we turn on the generator which charges the inverter to keep light on. Of course after a couple of hours the inverter dies again and the cycle continues.

My family and I has been home all weekend because our street is so flooded that even my car (which is an SUV) can’t make it through the flooded road. All through yesterday – July 8yh, (the only vehicle that passed our street due to the bad flood was a lorry carrying waste which eventually stopped in the middle of the road and was unable to reach its final destination).

I know longer cook meals to leave in my freezer as the lack of light spoils it all which is a waste of money! We are slowly running out of food at home and I’m praying the rain stops before our food is totally exhausted!!!! I’m sure many homes in the area will be experiencing this disaster.

A lot of businesses probably didn’t open today as either staff couldn’t make it or customers couldn’t make it. Either or led to loss of revenue. But still at the end of the day OPEX must be paid…. Inflation chokes you as everything is so expensive!!!!!!!

My deep concern is “WHERE IS THE GOVERNMENT”? Like seriously what’s going on? Lagos Island is sitting on a time bomb which is an imminent flood of some sort. It has no functional drainage or better still its totally non-existent. Any rain on the island will lead to flood!!!

All the taxes we pay what’s the use of funds? Nigeria needs severe accountability and transparency in its uses of the nation’s taxes. A country where poverty exceeds wealth due to corruption and selfish desire is a major cause for scream at this stage and not alert. Sadly, ignorance may just play in here as complains continue to fall onto deaf ears. After the raining season is over, nothing is done and next year we meet the same incident.

Is government so ignorant? Can government just do its work? Even if you do actually decide to use the funds to fix roads and provide power etc, there will still be plenty for selfish desires!!!!….. Let the masses just have better quality of life, please…. I’m crying out loud here!!!

Do we wait until one day a heavy flood sinks the whole city? How long can we continue like this? Lagos Island is sinking slowly. This is a matter of NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!!!!!

I really hope this article gets to someone in government. Nigerians are ready to commit to real change… let’s just do it and quit talking!!!!

Pictures below were taken on July 8th across several places in VI/Lekki axis. No photo shop done!

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