About Me

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I am Professor of Primary Care and Head of the Department of Primary Care & Public Health at Imperial College London. I qualified at the University of Wales College of Medicine in Cardiff, Wales. I am accredited in both General Practice and Public Health Medicine. I began my academic career at St. George”s Hospital Medical School as a Lecturer in Epidemiology & Public Health Medicine. I was later promoted to Senior Lecturer in Primary Care. I then moved to a Senior Lecturer post at University College London, where I had a joint appointment between the School of Public Policy and the Department of Primary Care & Population Sciences. In 2000, I gained a five-year primary care senior scientist award, which allowed me to spend more time on research. I was promoted to Professor by University College London in 2002. I took up the post of Professor of Primary Care and Head of the Department of Primary Care & Public Health at Imperial College London in 2004. Read more on my Imperial Homepage.