Latest publications: October-November 2020

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of recent publication successes.*

Title Date Authors OR Authors/Contributors Types Canonical journal title
A Comprehensive HPLC‐DAD‐ESI‐MS Validated Method for the Quantification of 16 Phytoestrogens in Food, Serum and Urine 12/11/2020 Palma Duran S, Caire-Juvera G, Campa-Siqueiros MM, Chavez-Suarez KM, Robles-Burgueño MDR, Gutierrez-Coronado ML, Bermudez-Almada MDC, Saucedo-Tamayo MDS, Grajeda-Cota P, Valenzuela-Quintanar AI Journal Article Applied Sciences
A practical toolkit to study aspects of the metastatic cascade in vitro. 03/11/2020 Pantazi P, Carollo E, Carter DRF, Brooks SA Journal Article, Review Acta Histochemica
A simultaneous exploratory and quantitative amino acid and biogenic amine metabolic profiling platform for rapid disease phenotyping via UPLC-QToF-MS 2020-11 Gray N, Lawler NG, Yang R, Morillon A-C, Gay MCL, Bong S-H, Holmes E, Nicholson JK, Whiley L Journal Article Talanta
A standardised model for stool banking for faecal microbiota transplantation: a consensus report from a multidisciplinary UEG working group. 05/11/2020 Keller JJ, Ooijevaar RE, Hvas CL, Terveer EM, Lieberknecht SC, Högenauer C, Arkkila P, Sokol H, Gridnyev O, Mégraud F, Kump PK, Nakov R, Goldenberg SD, Satokari R, Tkatch S, Sanguinetti M, Cammarota G, Dorofeev A, Gubska O, Ianiro G, Mattila E, Arasaradnam RP, Sarin SK, Sood A, Putignani L, Alric L, Baunwall SM, Kupcinskas J, Link A, Goorhuis AG, Verspaget HW, Ponsioen C, Hold GL, Tilg H, Kassam Z, Kuijper EJ, Gasbarrini A, Mulder CJ, Williams HR, Vehreschild MJ Journal Article United European Gastroenterology Journal
Authors’ reply Re: Implications for the future of Obstetrics and Gynaecology following the COVID-19 pandemic: a commentary. 05/11/2020 Kasaven LS, Saso S, Barcroft J, Yazbek J, Joash K, Stalder C, Nagi JB, Smith JR, Lees C, Bourne T, Jones BP Letter BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Commentary on “Pharmacodynamic activity of the novel neurokinin-3 receptor antagonist SJX-653 in healthy men”. 29/10/2020 Abbara A, Phylactou M, Dhillo WS Journal Article Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Comparison of diabetic ketoacidosis in adults, during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and over the same time period for the 3 preceding years 08/11/2020 Misra S, Khozoee B, Huang-Jiawei P, Mitsaki K, Reddy M, Salem V, Tan T, Tharakan G, Gable D, Bravis V, Valabhji J Letter Diabetes Care
Comparison of Preoperative Remission Scores and Diabetes Duration Alone as Predictors of Durable Type 2 Diabetes Remission and Risk of Diabetes Complications After Bariatric Surgery: A Post Hoc Analysis of Participants From the Swedish Obese Subjects Study. 2020-11 Sjöholm K, Carlsson LMS, Taube M, le Roux CW, Svensson P-A, Peltonen M Journal Article Diabetes Care
Control by Ca2+ of mitochondrial structure and function in pancreatic β-cells. 2020-11 Georgiadou E, Rutter GA Journal Article Cell Calcium
Correction to: The role of physical activity in metabolic homeostasis before and after the onset of type 2 diabetes: an IMI DIRECT study. 13/11/2020 Koivula RW, Atabaki-Pasdar N, Giordano GN, White T, Adamski J, Bell JD, Beulens J, Brage S, Brunak S, De Masi F, Dermitzakis ET, Forgie IM, Frost G, Hansen T, Hansen TH, Hattersley A, Kokkola T, Kurbasic A, Laakso M, Mari A, McDonald TJ, Pedersen O, Rutters F, Schwenk JM, Teare HJA, Thomas EL, Vinuela A, Mahajan A, McCarthy MI, Ruetten H, Walker M, Pearson E, Pavo I, Franks PW, IMI DIRECT Consortium Published Erratum Diabetologia
Decision – Considerations for use of fecal microbiota transplantation in special patient populations 31/10/2020 Ghani R, Mullish BH Chapter
Downregulation of Keap1 Confers Features of a Fasted Metabolic State. 23/10/2020 Knatko EV, Tatham MH, Zhang Y, Castro C, Higgins M, Dayalan Naidu S, Leonardi C, de la Vega L, Honda T, Griffin JL, Hay RT, Dinkova-Kostova AT Journal Article iScience
Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on viral hepatitis services in sub-Saharan Africa. 2020-11 Lemoine M, Kim JU, Ndow G, Bah S, Forrest K, Rwegasha J, Bouyou M, Napon D, Somda S, Sawadogo A, Sombie R, Shimakawa Y Letter The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Effect of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes on the risk of venous thromboembolism. 09/11/2020 Hinton W, Nemeth B, de Lusignan S, Field B, Feher MD, Munro N, Roberts LN, Arya R, B Whyte M Journal Article Diabetic Medicine
Endoscopic full thickness resection in the colo-rectum: outcomes from the UK Registry. 29/10/2020 Boger P, Rahman I, Hu M, Ayaru L, Bhandari P, Chedgy F, Green S, Hayat M, Hopper AD, Ishaq S, Martin J, McCallum I, Phull P, Pugh S, Russo E, Suzuki N, Thomas-Gibson S, Zeino Z, Patel P Journal Article European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Evaluating the use of Telemedicine in Gynaecological Practice: A Systematic Review 30/10/2020 Murugesu S, Galazis N, Jones B, Chan M, Bracewell-Milnes T, Ahmed-Salim Y, Grewal K, Timmerman D, Yazbek J, Bourne T, Saso S Journal Article BMJ Open
Extraction and Integration of Genetic Networks from Short-Profile Omic Data Sets. 29/10/2020 Iacovacci J, Peluso A, Ebbels T, Ralser M, Glen RC Journal Article Metabolites
Faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis 06/11/2020 Baunwall SMD, Lee MM, Eriksen MK, Mullish BH, Marchesi JR, Dahlerup JF, Hvas CL Journal Article EClinicalMedicine
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: The Evolving Risk Landscape 27/10/2020 Gupta S, Mullish BH, Allegretti JR Journal Article American Journal of Gastroenterology
FEMA GRAS assessment of natural flavor complexes: Clove, Cinnamon leaf and West Indian bay leaf-derived flavoring ingredients 2020-11 Gooderham NJ, Cohen SM, Eisenbrand G, Fukushima S, Guengerich FP, Hecht SS, Rietjens IMCM, Rosol TJ, Davidsen JM, Harman CL, Murray IJ, Taylor SV Article Food and Chemical Toxicology
FEMA GRAS assessment of natural flavor complexes: Lavender, Guaiac Coriander-derived and related flavoring ingredients 2020-11 Fukushima S, Cohen SM, Eisenbrand G, Gooderham NJ, Guengerich FP, Hecht SS, Rietjens IMCM, Rosol TJ, Davidsen JM, Harman CL, Lu V, Taylor SV Article Food and Chemical Toxicology
FMT for the Treatment of Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and NAFLD 31/10/2020 Mullish BH Chapter
Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide structural domains and their recognition by immune proteins revealed with carbohydrate microarrays 29/10/2020 Silva LM, Correia VG, Moreira ASP, Domingues MRM, Ferreira RM, Figueiredo C, Azevedo NF, Marcos-Pinto R, Carneiro F, Magalhães A, Reis C, Feizi T, Ferreira JA, Coimbra MA, Palma AS Journal Article Carbohydrate Polymers
Hyperechoic amniotic membranes in patients with preterm premature rupture of membranes (p-PROM) and pregnancy outcome. 21/10/2020 Volpe N, di Pasquo E, Ferretti A, Dall’Asta A, Fieni S, Frusca T, Ghi T Journal Article Journal of Perinatal Medicine: official journal of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine
In Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis, Serum Keratin-18 Fragments Are Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Theragnostic Biomarkers. 2020-11 Atkinson SR, Grove JI, Liebig S, Astbury S, Vergis N, Goldin R, Quaglia A, Bantel H, Guha IN, Thursz MR, Newcombe P, Strnad P, Aithal GP Journal Article American Journal of Gastroenterology
Integrative Modeling of Quantitative Plasma Lipoprotein, Metabolic, and Amino Acid Data Reveals a Multiorgan Pathological Signature of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. 06/11/2020 Kimhofer T, Lodge S, Whiley L, Gray N, Loo RL, Lawler NG, Nitschke P, Bong S-H, Morrison DL, Begum S, Richards T, Yeap BB, Smith C, Smith KGC, Holmes E, Nicholson JK Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Iridium Oxide-Based Potassium Sensitive Microprobe With Anti-Fouling Properties 01/11/2020 Wildner K, Mirza KB, de La Franier B, Cork S, Toumazou C, Thompson M, Nikolic K Article, Journal IEEE Sensors Journal
Isolation of proximal fluids to investigate the tumor microenvironment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma 05/11/2020 Donisi G, Barbagallo M, Capretti G, Nappo G, Takis PG, Zerbi A, Marchesi F, Cortese N Article Journal of Visualized Experiments
Lack of evidence for the use of ustekinumab for acute severe ulcerative colitis. 11/11/2020 Segal JP, Quraishi MN Journal Article United European Gastroenterology Journal
Ligand-Specific Factors Influencing GLP-1 Receptor Post-Endocytic Trafficking and Degradation in Pancreatic Beta Cells. 09/11/2020 Fang Z, Chen S, Manchanda Y, Bitsi S, Pickford P, David A, Shchepinova MM, Corrêa IR, Hodson DJ, Broichhagen J, Tate EW, Reimann F, Salem V, Rutter GA, Tan T, Bloom SR, Tomas A, Jones B Journal Article International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Longitudinal Multi-omics Reveals Subset-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 12/11/2020 Mars RAT, Yang Y, Ward T, Houtti M, Priya S, Lekatz HR, Tang X, Sun Z, Kalari KR, Korem T, Bhattarai Y, Zheng T, Bar N, Frost G, Johnson AJ, van Treuren W, Han S, Ordog T, Grover M, Sonnenburg J, D’Amato M, Camilleri M, Elinav E, Segal E, Blekhman R, Farrugia G, Swann JR, Knights D, Kashyap PC Published Erratum Cell
Maternal plasma miRNAs as potential biomarkers for detecting risk of small-for-gestational-age births 11/11/2020 Kim SH, MacIntyre D, Binkhamis R, Cook J, Sykes L, Bennett P, Terzidou V Journal Article EBioMedicine
Metabolomic Analysis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review. 11/11/2020 Gallagher K, Catesson A, Griffin JL, Holmes E, Williams HRT Journal Article Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis
New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes in Children During COVID-19: Multicenter Regional Findings in the U.K. 2020-11 Unsworth R, Wallace S, Oliver NS, Yeung S, Kshirsagar A, Naidu H, Kwong RMW, Kumar P, Logan KM Letter, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t, Comment Diabetes Care
Organoid models in gynaecological oncology research. 2020-11 Semertzidou A, Brosens JJ, McNeish I, Kyrgiou M Journal Article, Review Cancer Treatment Reviews
Pancreatic Sirtuin 3 Deficiency Promotes Hepatic Steatosis by Enhancing 5-Hydroxytryptamine Synthesis in Diet-Induced Obese Mice. 21/10/2020 Ming X, Chung ACK, Mao D, Cao H, Fan B, Wong WKK, Ho CC, Lee HM, Schoonjans K, Auwerx J, Rutter GA, Chan JCN, Tian XY, Kong APS Journal Article Diabetes
Prenatal androgen exposure and children’s gender-typed behavior and toy and playmate preferences. 09/11/2020 Spencer D, Pasterski V, Neufeld SAS, Glover V, O’Connor TG, Hindmarsh PC, Hughes IA, Acerini CL, Hines M Journal Article Hormones and Behaviour
Qualification of tumour mutational burden by targeted next-generation sequencing as a biomarker in hepatocellular carcinoma. 23/10/2020 Wong CN, Fessas P, Dominy K, Mauri FA, Kaneko T, Parcq PD, Khorashad J, Toniutto P, Goldin RD, Avellini C, Pinato DJ Journal Article Liver International
Quantitative In-Vitro Diagnostic NMR Spectroscopy for Lipoprotein and Metabolite Measurements in Plasma and Serum: Recommendations for Analytical Artifact Minimization with Special Reference to COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Samples. 06/11/2020 Loo RL, Lodge S, Kimhofer T, Bong S-H, Begum S, Whiley L, Gray N, Lindon JC, Nitschke P, Lawler NG, Schäfer H, Spraul M, Richards T, Nicholson JK, Holmes E Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Quantitative In-Vitro Diagnostic NMR Spectroscopy for Lipoprotein and Metabolite Measurements in Plasma and Serum: Recommendations for Analytical Artifact Minimization with Special Reference to COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Samples. 06/11/2020 Loo RL, Lodge S, Kimhofer T, Bong S-H, Begum S, Whiley L, Gray N, Lindon JC, Nitschke P, Lawler NG, Schäfer H, Spraul M, Richards T, Nicholson JK, Holmes E Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Quantitative In-Vitro Diagnostic NMR Spectroscopy for Lipoprotein and Metabolite Measurements in Plasma and Serum: Recommendations for Analytical Artifact Minimization with Special Reference to COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Samples. 06/11/2020 Loo RL, Lodge S, Kimhofer T, Bong S-H, Begum S, Whiley L, Gray N, Lindon JC, Nitschke P, Lawler NG, Schäfer H, Spraul M, Richards T, Nicholson JK, Holmes E Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Release of insulin granules by simultaneous, high-speed correlative SICM-FCM. 22/10/2020 Bednarska J, Novak P, Korchev Y, Rorsman P, Tarasov AI, Shevchuk A Journal Article Journal of Microscopy
Reply to: “Validation of the TREAT-B score for hepatitis B treatment eligibility in a large Asian cohort: TREAT-B improves with age”. 2020-11 Shimakawa Y, Lemoine M Letter Journal of Hepatology
Strategies in infertile azoospermic patients with negative microdissection testicular sperm extraction surgery. 23/10/2020 Tharakan T, Luo R, Foran D, Smith M, Jayasena CN, Minhas S Journal Article, Review Turkish journal of urology
The APOA1bp-SREBF-NOTCH axis is associated with reduced atherosclerosis risk in morbidly obese patients. 2020-11 Mayneris-Perxachs J, Puig J, Burcelin R, Dumas M-E, Barton RH, Hoyles L, Federici M, Fernández-Real J-M Journal Article Clinical Nutrition
The application of metabolomics in ovarian cancer management: a systematic review. 26/10/2020 Ahmed-Salim Y, Galazis N, Bracewell-Milnes T, Phelps DL, Jones BP, Chan M, Munoz-Gonzales MD, Matsuzono T, Smith JR, Yazbek J, Krell J, Ghaem-Maghami S, Saso S Journal Article, Review International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
The Effect of Standard Versus Longer Intestinal Bypass on GLP-1 Regulation and Glucose Metabolism in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: The Long-Limb Study. 06/11/2020 Miras AD, Kamocka A, Pérez-Pevida B, Purkayastha S, Moorthy K, Patel A, Chahal H, Frost G, Bassett P, Castagnetto-Gissey L, Coppin L, Jackson N, Umpleby AM, Bloom SR, Tan T, Ahmed AR, Rubino F Journal Article Diabetes Care
The gut microbiome: an under-recognised contributor to the Covid-19 pandemic? 2020-11 Segal JP, Mak JWY, Mullish BH, Alexander JL, Ng SC, Marchesi JR Journal Article Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
The impact of COVID-19 on endoscopy training needs to be considered in the context of a global pandemic 2020-11 Segal JP, Smith PJ, Verma AM Journal Article Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
The structure-function relationship of oncogenic LMTK3. 2020-11 Ditsiou A, Cilibrasi C, Simigdala N, Papakyriakou A, Milton-Harris L, Vella V, Nettleship JE, Lo JH, Soni S, Smbatyan G, Ntavelou P, Gagliano T, Iachini MC, Khurshid S, Simon T, Zhou L, Hassell-Hart S, Carter P, Pearl LH, Owen RL, Owens RJ, Roe SM, Chayen NE, Lenz H-J, Spencer J, Prodromou C, Klinakis A, Stebbing J, Giamas G Journal Article Science Advances
Thyroid function before, during and after COVID-19. 12/11/2020 Khoo B, Tan T, Clarke SA, Mills EG, Patel B, Modi M, Phylactou M, Eng PC, Thurston L, Alexander EC, Meeran K, Comninos AN, Abbara A, Dhillo WS Journal Article Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Ultrasound-based liver elastography in the assessment of fibrosis. 2020-11 Fang C, Lim A, Sidhu PS Journal Article, Review Clinical Radiology

*The mysterious case of the missing publication: a disclaimer

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