MDR Virtual Away Day

The Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction was proud to host its second annual Away Day on the 14 October.
Picture of video conference call

The virtual event featured presentations from staff across the Department and provided an opportunity to showcase some of the exciting research taking place in the Divisions and Sections. The morning included 16 talks and you can watch a recording of the full Away Day here and below.
Programme of speakers:
Title of Presentation  Speaker 
Welcome and Introduction by Professor Mark Thursz 
Ultrasound guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for the treatment of early gestation twin-twin transfusion syndrome  Caroline Shaw 
Accelerating functional gene discovery in osteoarthritis  Natalie Butterfield 
Deep-learning on liver vascular ultrasound images to detect fibrosis and HCC  Elsa Angelini 
Machine Learning for histological analysis in fatty liver disease  Roberta Forlano 
Biased signalling in drug discovery: concept to application in metabolic disease  Ben Jones 
Dietary monitoring using urinary metabolic profiling  Isabel Garcia Perez 
Capturing the metabolic signature of proliferating hepatocytes  Zoe Hall 
Control of pancreatic beta cell function by the mitofusins Mfn1 and Mfn2  Eleni Georgiadou 
Direct on-swab metabolic profiling for rapid assessment of vaginal microbiome:   host interactions during pregnancy and pre-term birth  Pamela Pruski 
Data on Paediatric presentations with type 1 diabetes during Covid-19  Rebecca Unsworth 
Exploiting complex G protein-coupled receptor signalling in pregnancy  Abigail Walker 
Role for neurotensin in glucose regulation  Anna Roberts 
Genetics of rare metabolic disease: finding the needle in the haystack with regulatory genomics  Ines Cebola 
PD-1/PD-L1 pathway and macrophage modulation in Liver Failure  Evangelos Triantafyllou 
From spectrum to metabolite – bridging analytics and biology through metabolome characterisation  Elena Chekmeneva 
Colonisation resistance as a tool in MDRO management  Ben Mullish 
Closing Remarks   Mark Thursz 

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