Latest publications: August-September 2020

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of recent publication successes.*

Title Date Authors OR Authors/Contributors Types Canonical journal title
“I am terrified of something happening to me” The lived experience of people with obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic. 04/09/2020 Grannell A, le Roux CW, McGillicuddy D Journal Article Clinical Obesity
A polysaccharide extract from the medicinal plant Maidong inhibits the IKK-NF-κB pathway and IL-1β-induced islet inflammation and increases insulin secretion. 04/09/2020 Mao D, Tian XY, Mao D, Hung SW, Wang CC, Lau CBS, Lee HM, Wong CK, Chow E, Ming X, Cao H, Ma RC, Chan PKS, Kong APS, Li JJX, Rutter GA, Tam WH, Chan JCN Journal Article Journal of Biological Chemistry
A Standardized Strategy for Simultaneous Quantification of Urine Metabolites to Validate Development of a Biomarker Panel Allowing Comprehensive Assessment of Dietary Exposure. 14/09/2020 Beckmann M, Wilson T, Zubair H, Lloyd AJ, Lyons L, Phillips H, Tailliart K, Gregory N, Thatcher R, Garcia-Perez I, Frost G, Mathers JC, Draper J Journal Article Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
A survey of current practices by the British Oculoplastic Surgery Society (BOPSS) and recommendations for delivering a sustainable multidisciplinary approach to thyroid eye disease in the United Kingdom 01/09/2020 Lee V, Avari P, Williams B, Perros P, Dayan C Article, Journal Eye
A systematic review exploring the patient decision-making factors and attitudes towards pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy and gender selection 30/08/2020 Bracewell-Milnes T, Saso S, Jones B, Cato S, Parikh R, Thum M-Y, Johnson M, Almeida P, Norman-Taylor J, Nikolaou D Review, Early Access, Journal Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Bariatric Surgery: There Is a Room for Improvement to Reduce Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes 26/08/2020 le Roux CW, Ottosson J, Naslund E, Cohen R, Stenberg E, Sundbom M, Naslund I Article, Early Access, Journal Obesity Surgery
Baseline levels of seminal reactive oxygen species predict improvements in sperm function following anti-oxidant therapy in men with infertility. 07/09/2020 Vessey W, Saifi S, Sharma A, McDonald C, Almeida P, Figueiredo M, Minhas S, Virmani A, Dhillo WS, Ramsay JW, Jayasena CN Journal Article Clinical Endocrinology
Can DNA methylation tests improve the accuracy of cervical screening? 02/09/2020 Bowden SJ, Lathouras K, Kyrgiou M Editorial Material, Early Access, Editorial, Journal BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Cervical cancer prevention in transgender men: a review. 15/09/2020 Weyers S, Garland SM, Cruickshank M, Kyrgiou M, Arbyn M Journal Article, Review BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Comment on Satin et al. “Take Me To Your Leader”: An Electrophysiological Appraisal of the Role of Hub Cells in Pancreatic Islets. Diabetes 2020;69:830-836 01/09/2020 Rutter GA, Ninov N, Salem V, Hodson DJ Letter, Journal Diabetes
Comparison of Preoperative Remission Scores and Diabetes Duration Alone as Predictors of Durable Type 2 Diabetes Remission and Risk of Diabetes Complications After Bariatric Surgery: A Post Hoc Analysis of Participants From the Swedish Obese Subjects Study. 01/09/2020 Sjöholm K, Carlsson LMS, Taube M, le Roux CW, Svensson P-A, Peltonen M Journal Article Diabetes Care
Consequences of Lipid Remodeling of Adipocyte Membranes Being Functionally Distinct from Lipid Storage in Obesity. 31/08/2020 Liu K-D, Acharjee A, Hinz C, Liggi S, Murgia A, Denes J, Gulston MK, Wang X, Chu Y, West JA, Glen RC, Roberts LD, Murray AJ, Griffin JL Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Current use and performance of the different fetal growth charts in the Italian population. 2020-09 Stampalija T, Ghi T, Rosolen V, Rizzo G, Ferrazzi EM, Prefumo F, Dall’Asta A, Quadrifoglio M, Todros T, Frusca T, SIEOG working group on fetal biometric charts Journal Article European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Development of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Post-Alemtuzumab Improves Treatment Response. 01/09/2020 Sovetkina A, Nadir R, Scalfari A, Tona F, Murphy K, Rigoni E, Dorsey R, Malik O, Nandoskar A, Singh-Curry V, Nicholas R, Martin N Journal Article Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Distinct phosphorylation sites in a prototypical GPCR differently orchestrate β-arrestin interaction, trafficking, and signaling. 2020-09 Dwivedi-Agnihotri H, Chaturvedi M, Baidya M, Stepniewski TM, Pandey S, Maharana J, Srivastava A, Caengprasath N, Hanyaloglu AC, Selent J, Shukla AK Journal Article Science Advances
Early Post-operative Weight Change After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Predicts Weight Loss at 12-Month Follow-up. 28/08/2020 Silveira FC, Docherty NG, Sallet PC, Moraes M, Monclaro T, Arruda E Silva M, Pizani CE, Sallet JA, le Roux CW Journal Article Obesity Surgery
Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on viral hepatitis services in sub-Saharan Africa. 17/09/2020 Lemoine M, Kim JU, Ndow G, Bah S, Forrest K, Rwegasha J, Bouyou M, Napon D, Somda S, Sawadogo A, Sombie R, Shimakawa Y Letter The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Epidural-Related Maternal Temperature Rise Is Dependent on the Duration of the Block 01/09/2020 Steer PJ Letter, Journal Anesthesia and Analgesia
Ethnic Differences in Body Fat Deposition and Liver Fat Content in Two UK-Based Cohorts. 16/09/2020 Alenaini W, Parkinson JRC, McCarthy JP, Goldstone AP, Wilman HR, Banerjee R, Yaghootkar H, Bell JD, Thomas EL Journal Article Obesity
Evaluation of a midwife-led, hospital based vaccination service for pregnant women. 01/09/2020 Skirrow H, Holder B, Meinel A, Narh E, Donaldson B, Bosanquet A, Barnett S, Kampmann B Journal Article Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics
External validation of models to predict the outcome of pregnancies of unknown location: a multicentre cohort study. 15/09/2020 Christodoulou E, Bobdiwala S, Kyriacou C, Farren J, Mitchell-Jones N, Ayim F, Chohan B, Abughazza O, Guruwadahyarhalli B, Al-Memar M, Guha S, Vathanan V, Gould D, Stalder C, Wynants L, Timmerman D, Bourne T, Van Calster B Journal Article BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Fetal fractional limb volumes in pregnancies following bariatric surgery. 03/09/2020 Maric T, Kanu C, Mandalia S, Johnson MR, Savvidou MD Journal Article Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Group B streptococcal disease in the mother and newborn-A review. 2020-09 Steer PJ, Russell AB, Kochhar S, Cox P, Plumb J, Gopal Rao G Journal Article European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Hyponatraemia compounding pre-eclamptic toxaemia in a patient with type 1 diabetes. 02/09/2020 Briggs E, Greer O, Shah NM, Singh N Journal Article BMJ Case Reports
Impact of changes to national UK Guidance on testing for gestational diabetes screening during a pandemic: a single centre observational study. 05/09/2020 van-de-l’Isle Y, Steer PJ, Watt Coote I, Cauldwell M Journal Article BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Improved Spatial Resolution of Metabolites in Tissue Biopsies Using High-Resolution Magic-Angle-Spinning Slice Localization NMR Spectroscopy. 01/09/2020 Vonhof EV, Piotto M, Holmes E, Lindon JC, Nicholson JK, Li JV Journal Article Analytical Chemistry
Increased BMI and Type 2 diabetes are the main predictors of NAFLD and advanced fibrosis in liver biopsies of patients with HIV mono-infection. 02/09/2020 Maurice JB, Goldin R, Hall A, Price JC, Sebastiani G, Morse CG, Prat L, Perazzo H, Garvey L, Ingiliz P, Guaraldi G, Tsochatzis E, Lemoine M Journal Article Clinical Infectious Diseases
Integrative Modeling of Quantitative Plasma Lipoprotein, Metabolic, and Amino Acid Data Reveals a Multiorgan Pathological Signature of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. 14/09/2020 Kimhofer T, Lodge S, Whiley L, Gray N, Loo RL, Lawler NG, Nitschke P, Bong S-H, Morrison DL, Begum S, Richards T, Yeap BB, Smith C, Smith KGC, Holmes E, Nicholson JK Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Interventions for treatment of COVID-19: A living systematic review with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses (The LIVING Project). 2020-09 Juul S, Nielsen EE, Feinberg J, Siddiqui F, Jørgensen CK, Barot E, Nielsen N, Bentzer P, Veroniki AA, Thabane L, Bu F, Klingenberg S, Gluud C, Jakobsen JC Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t PLoS Medicine
Invasive versus non-invasive management of older patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (SENIOR-NSTEMI): a cohort study based on routine clinical data. 29/08/2020 Kaura A, Sterne JAC, Trickey A, Abbott S, Mulla A, Glampson B, Panoulas V, Davies J, Woods K, Omigie J, Shah AD, Channon KM, Weber JN, Thursz MR, Elliott P, Hemingway H, Williams B, Asselbergs FW, O’Sullivan M, Lord GM, Melikian N, Johnson T, Francis DP, Shah AM, Perera D, Kharbanda R, Patel RS, Mayet J Journal Article The Lancet
Laser-assisted rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry (LA-REIMS) as a metabolomics platform in cervical cancer screening 2020-09 Paraskevaidi M, Cameron SJS, Whelan E, Bowden S, Tzafetas M, Mitra A, Semertzidou A, Athanasiou A, Bennett P, MacIntyre D, Takats Z, Kyrgiou M Journal article EBioMedicine
Letter: Intestinal Microbiota Transfer – Updating the Nomenclature to Increase Acceptability 2020-09 Craven LJ, McIlroy JR, Mullish BH, Marchesi JR Journal article Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Long-term clinical benefits of Sofosbuvir-based direct antiviral regimens for patients with chronic hepatitis C in Central and West Africa 31/08/2020 Baudoin M, Woode ME, Nishimwe ML, Lemoine M, Sylla B, Kouanfack C, Moh R, Seydi M, Rouveau N, Attia A, Lacombe K, Boyer S Article, Early Access, Journal Liver International
Loss of β-cell identity and diabetic phenotype in mice caused by disruption of CNOT3-dependent mRNA deadenylation. 28/08/2020 Mostafa D, Yanagiya A, Georgiadou E, Wu Y, Stylianides T, Rutter GA, Suzuki T, Yamamoto T Journal Article Communications Biology
Low-calorie intake: a key mechanism contributing to the metabolic impacts of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery 01/09/2020 Chen Q, Alexiadou K, Jones B, Sands C, Lewis MR, Bloom SR, Tan T, Li J Meeting Abstract, Abstract, Journal Diabetologia
Maternal Cardiovascular Dysfunction is Associated with Hypoxic Cerebral and Umbilical Doppler Changes. 07/09/2020 Masini G, Tay J, McEniery CM, Wilkinson IB, Valensise H, Tiralongo GM, Farsetti D, Gyselaers W, Vonck S, Lees CC Journal Article Journal of Clinical Medicine
Metabolic surgery recovers Ca(2+)dynamics across pancreatic islets in obese mice 01/09/2020 Akalestou E, Suba K, Lopez-Noriega L, Georgiadou E, Chabosseau P, Leclerc I, Salem V, Rutter GA Meeting Abstract, Abstract, Journal Diabetologia
Metabonomics and the Gut Microbiome Associated With Primary Response to Anti-TNF Therapy in Crohn’s Disease. 07/09/2020 Ding NS, McDonald JAK, Perdones-Montero A, Rees DN, Adegbola SO, Misra R, Hendy P, Penez L, Marchesi JR, Holmes E, Sarafian MH, Hart AL Journal Article Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis
Multiomic features associated with mucosal healing and inflammation in paediatric Crohn’s disease. 14/09/2020 Taylor H, Serrano-Contreras JI, McDonald JAK, Epstein J, Fell JM, Seoane RC, Li JV, Marchesi JR, Hart AL Journal Article Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Obesity is common in chronic kidney disease and associates with greater antihypertensive usage and proteinuria: evidence from a cross-sectional study in atertiary nephrology centre 26/08/2020 Martin WP, Bauer J, Coleman J, Dellatorre-Teixeira L, Reeve JLV, Twomey PJ, Docherty NG, O’Riordan A, Watson AJ, le Roux CW, Holian J Article, Early Access, Journal Clinical Obesity
Obesity: A critical risk factor in the COVID-19 pandemic. 28/08/2020 Kwok S, Adam S, Ho JH, Iqbal Z, Turkington P, Razvi S, Le Roux CW, Soran H, Syed AA Journal Article, Review Clinical Obesity
Organoid models in gynaecological oncology research. 01/09/2020 Semertzidou A, Brosens JJ, McNeish I, Kyrgiou M Journal Article, Review Cancer Treatment Reviews
Pancreatic beta cell-selective deletion of themitofusins 1 and 2 (Mfn1 and Mfn2) impairs glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in vitro and in vivo 01/09/2020 Rutter GA, Georgiadou E, Rodriguez T, Muralidharan C, Martinez M, Chabosseau P, Tomas A, Carrat G, Di Gregorio A, Leclerc I, Linnemann AK Meeting Abstract, Abstract, Journal Diabetologia
Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Versus Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Adrenalectomy: A Systematic Review by an Updated Meta-Analysis 27/08/2020 Gavriilidis P, Camenzuli C, Paspala A, Di Marco AN, Palazzo FF Review, Early Access, Journal World Journal of Surgery
Quantitative In-Vitro Diagnostic NMR Spectroscopy for Lipoprotein and Metabolite Measurements in Plasma and Serum: Recommendations for Analytical Artefact Minimization with Special Reference to COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Samples. 27/08/2020 Loo RL, Lodge S, Kimhofer T, Bong S-H, Begum S, Whiley L, Gray N, Lindon JC, Nitschke P, Lawler NG, Schafer H, Spraul M, Richards T, Nicholson JK, Holmes E Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Quantitative In-Vitro Diagnostic NMR Spectroscopy for Lipoprotein and Metabolite Measurements in Plasma and Serum: Recommendations for Analytical Artefact Minimization with Special Reference to COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Samples. 27/08/2020 Loo RL, Lodge S, Kimhofer T, Bong S-H, Begum S, Whiley L, Gray N, Lindon JC, Nitschke P, Lawler NG, Schafer H, Spraul M, Richards T, Nicholson JK, Holmes E Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Rapid formation of human immunodeficiency virus-like particles. 01/09/2020 Bednarska J, Pelchen-Matthews A, Novak P, Burden JJ, Summers PA, Kuimova MK, Korchev Y, Marsh M, Shevchuk A Journal Article Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA
Rapid LA-REIMS and comprehensive UHPLC-HRMS for metabolic phenotyping of feces 01/09/2020 Van Meulebroek L, Cameron S, Plekhova V, De Spiegeleer M, Wijnant K, Michels N, De Henauw S, Lapauw B, Takats Z, Vanhaecke L Article, Journal Talanta
Re: Effect of progestogen for women with threatened miscarriage: a systematic review and meta-analysis 01/09/2020 Devall AJ, Gallos ID, Khalaf Y, Mol BWJ, Ross J, Shennan A, Horne AW, Small R, Goddijn M, van Wely M, Stephenson MD, Christiansen OB, Brosens JJ, Bennett P, Rai R, Regan L, Quenby S, Coomarasamy A Letter, Journal BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Role of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with isolated mild or moderate ventriculomegaly in the era of neurosonography: international multicenter study 01/09/2020 Di Mascio D, Khalil A, Thilaganathan B, Rizzo G, Buca D, Liberati M, Celentano C, Melchiorre K, Caulo M, Pilu G, Salsi G, Toni F, Stampalija T, Fantasia I, Luise G, Gregori M, Volpe P, Olivieri C, Giancotti A, D’Ambrosio V, Brunelli R, Panici PB, Manganaro L, Antonelli A, Ercolani G, Pasquini L, Masini G, Di Maurizio M, Lees C, Bracalente G, Morales-Rosello J, Loscalzo G, Saccone G, Carbone L, Sarno L, Maruotti GM, Zullo F, Ghi T, Frusca T, Dall’Asta A, Volpe N, Ormitti F, Buongiorno S, De Santis M, D’Oria L, Lanzone A, Prefumo F, Pinelli L, Bertucci E, Sileo FG, Flacco ME, Manzoli L, Giangiordano I, Mastricci L, Meccariello G, Vasciaveo L, Nappi L, Familiari A, Scambia G, Berghella V, D’Antonio F Article, Journal Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Short chain fatty acids in human gut and metabolic health. 01/09/2020 Blaak EE, Canfora EE, Theis S, Frost G, Groen AK, Mithieux G, Nauta A, Scott K, Stahl B, van Harsselaar J, van Tol R, Vaughan EE, Verbeke K Journal Article Beneficial Microbes
Strengthening vaccine confidence during the COVID-19 pandemic: A new opportunity for global hepatitis B virus elimination 01/09/2020 Lazarus JV, Picchio CA, Nayagam S, Ratzan S, Thursz M Editorial Material, Editorial, Journal Journal of Hepatology
Systematic review with meta-analysis: effectiveness of anti-inflammatory therapy in immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced enterocolitis. 13/09/2020 Ibraheim H, Baillie S, Samaan MA, Abu-Sbeih H, Wang Y, Talley NJ, P Jones M, Powell N Journal Article Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
The altered enteroendocrine reportoire following roux-en-Y-gastric bypass as an effector of weight loss and improved glycaemic control. 29/08/2020 Moffett RC, Docherty NG, le Roux CW Journal Article, Review Appetite
The association between hyperemesis gravidarum and psychological symptoms, psychosocial outcomes and infant bonding:  a two point prospective case control multi-centre survey study in an inner city setting 2020-09 Mitchell-Jones N, Lawson K, Bobdiwala S, Farren J, Bottomley C, Tobias A, Bourne T Journal article BMJ Open
The association between hyperemesis gravidarum and psychological symptoms, psychosocial outcomes and infant bonding:  a two point prospective case control multi-centre survey study in an inner city setting 2020-09 Mitchell-Jones N, Lawson K, Bobdiwala S, Farren J, Bottomley C, Tobias A, Bourne T Journal article BMJ Open
The chemokine CXCL16 can rescue the defects in insulin signaling and sensitivity caused by palmitate in C2C12 myotubes 01/09/2020 Bitsi S Article, Journal Cytokine
The novel use of fertility quality of life (FertiQoL) treatment subscale to assess treatment acceptability in social egg freezing. 03/09/2020 Jones B, Rajamanoharan A, Kasaven L, Jalmbrant M, Green J, Mahmoud M, Odia R, Saso S, Serhal P, Ben Nagi J Journal Article Human Fertility: an international, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to furthering research and promoting good practice
Transcutaneous fluorescence spectroscopy as a tool for non-invasive monitoring of gut function – first clinical experiences 2020-09 Maurice J, Lett A, Skinner C, Lim A, Richardson M, Painadath Thomas A, Summers P, Vyas K, Tadbier A, Vilar R, Kuimova M, Miodragovic S, Vergis N, Kelly P, Cordeiro M, Hoare J, Darzi A, Goldin R, Thursz M, Thompson A Journal article Scientific Reports
Update on trans-placental transfer of IgG subclasses: impact of maternal and fetal factors 11/09/2020 Clements T, Rice T, Vamvakas G, Barnett S, Barnes M, Donaldson B, Christine J, Kampmann B, Holder E Article Frontiers in Immunology

*The mysterious case of the missing publication: a disclaimer

To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from Symplectic. Our reports are generated on a fortnightly basis, which means there may be a delay in publicising some publications. 

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