Funding successes: February 2020

Congratulations to Professor Marc Dumas on his new funding success.

Well done to all Principal Investigators in the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our monthly round-up of funding successes*.

Proposal Dept/Group Infoed PI Name Infoed Proposal Title Infoed Sponsor Infoed Project Awarded Value
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology MacIntyre, Dr David Development and application of quantitative MS Sterols/Steroids assays in urine and plasma for the prediction of preterm birth Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 61,000 (complete FoM value)
CSM and Bioinformatics Dumas, Professor Marc-Emmanuel Evaluating Microbiome Causality in the Gut-Liver Axis and Impact on Insulin Resistance Diabetes UK 397,774 (complete FoM value)
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology Kyrgiou, Dr Maria Effectiveness of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in women treated for cervical pre-invasive disease: a randomised controlled trial. Merck, Sharp, and Dohme Ltd 235,488
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology Male, Dr Victoria Reproductive Immunology in Early Pregnancy: The Role of Decidual Natural Killer Cells The Borne Foundation 39,120
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology Bennett, Professor Phillip Metabonomic profiling of early preimplantation human embryos – Sheba Jarvis project – supervision of Research Technician Genesis Research Trust 15,645
CSM and Bioinformatics Holmes, Professor Elaine Metabonome & Microbiome Variability & Differential Risk in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis 1 University of Newcastle upon Tyne 36,975
CSM and Bioinformatics Swann, Dr Jonathan HOPE-SAM Health Outcomes and Epidemiology of Severe Acute Malnutrition Queen Mary, University of London 49,000
Cell Biology Tomas Catala, Dr Alejandra Spatiotemporal Control of Signaling of the GLP-1R Variant Ala316Thr in Pancreatic Beta Cells. Diabetes UK 108,414
Endocrinology Mills, Dr Edouard Investigating Kisspeptin Signalling In Sexual and Emotional Brain Processing Medical Research Council (MRC) 280,345
Hepatology and Gastroenterology Powell, Dr Nicholas Crohns & Colitis UK “Harnessing cytokine-responsive transcriptomics to deliver precision medicine in Crohn’s disease IC New Funder 114,400
Metabolism Johnston, Professor Desmond ADDRESS-2 Diabetes UK 510,302
Pathology Goldin, Professor Robert Pathology Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding 194,824
CSM and Bioinformatics Want, Dr Elizabeth Noora Kano Qatar Embassy 20,000
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology Hanyaloglu, Dr Aylin The role of post-synaptic GPCR intracellular trafficking and signalling on synaptic plasticity Wellcome Trust 300,000

*Dude, where’s my grant? A disclaimer:

To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from the College’s strategic reporting dashboards, relating to FoM. This means that, typically, we only include awards on this list which have been set up on the College’s grants management system, in accordance with the Joint Research Office’s policies and processes. As a result, there may be a delay in promoting some awards.

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