Latest publications: October and November 2019

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our monthly (14/10/19 – 18/11/19) round-up of recent publication successes.*

Title Date of publication Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication type Canonical journal title
Differences for Percentage Times in Glycaemic Range Between Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Capillary Blood Glucose Monitoring in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: Analysis of the REPLACE-BG Dataset. 15/10/2019 Avari P, Uduku C, George D, Herrero P, Reddy M, Oliver N Journal article Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics
Effects of Peptide-YY on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in Healthy Men. 19/10/2019 Izzi-Engbeaya C, Jones S, Crustna Y, Machenahalli PC, Papadopoulou D, Modi M, Panayi C, Starikova J, Eng PC, Phylactou M, Mills E, Yang L, Ratnasabapathy R, Sykes M, Plumptre I, Coumbe B, Wing V, Pacuszka E, Bech P, Minnion J, Tharakan G, Tan T, Veldhuis J, Abbara A, Comninos AN, Dhillo WS Journal article Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Evaluation of Direct from Sample Metabolomics of Human Feces Using Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry. 17/10/2019 Cameron SJS, Alexander JL, Bolt F, Burke A, Ashrafian H, Teare J, Marchesi JR, Kinross J, Li JV, Takáts Z Journal article Analytical Chemistry
GlyGen: Computational and Informatics Resources for Glycoscience. 16/10/2019 York WS, Mazumder R, Ranzinger R, Edwards N, Kahsay R, Aoki-Kinoshita KF, Campbell MP, Cummings RD, Feizi T, Martin M, Natale DA, Packer NH, Woods RJ, Agarwal G, Arpinar S, Bhat S, Blake J, Castro LJG, Fochtman B, Gildersleeve J, Goldman R, Holmes X, Jain V, Kulkarni S, Mahadik R, Mehta A, Mousavi R, Nakarakommula S, Navelkar R, Pattabiraman N, Pierce MJ, Ross K, Vasudev P, Vora J, Williamson T, Zhang W Journal article Glycobiology
Human Labour is Associated with Altered Regulatory T Cell Function and Maternal Immune Activation. 16/10/2019 Shah NM, Edey LF, Imami N, Johnson MR Journal article Clinical and Experimental Immunology
Identifying Key Challenges Facing Healthcare Systems in Africa and Potential Solutions 15/10/2019 Oleribe OO, Momoh J, Uzochukwu BSC, Mbofana F, Adebiyi A, Barbera T, Williams R, Taylor-Robinson S Journal article International Journal of General Medicine
Immune responses in the human female reproductive tract. 20/10/2019 Monin L, Whettlock EM, Male V Journal article Immunology
Immunotoxicity from checkpoint inhibitor therapy: clinical features and underlying mechanisms. 23/10/2019 Fessas P, Possamai LA, Clark J, Daniels E, Gudd C, Mullish BH, Alexander JL, Pinato DJ Journal article Immunology
Metabolic Phenotyping in Venous Disease: The Need for Standardization. 16/10/2019 Onida S, Tan MKH, Kafeza M, Bergner RT, Shalhoub J, Holmes E, Davies AH Journal article Journal of Proteome Research
Off-colony screening of biosynthetic libraries by rapid laser-enabled mass spectrometry. 17/10/2019 Gowers G-OF, Cameron SJS, Perdones-Montero A, Bell D, Chee SM, Kern M, Tew D, Ellis T, Takats Z Journal article ACS Synthetic Biology
Predictive Modelling Using Pathway Scores: Robustness and Significance of Pathway Collections 15/10/2019 Ebbels T, Segura-Lepe M, Keun H Journal article BMC Bioinformatics
Unravelling Machine Learning – Insights in Respiratory Medicine. 16/10/2019 Angelini E, Dahan S, Shah A Journal article European Respiratory Journal
Very Short Answer questions: a novel approach to summative assessments in pathology 22/10/2019 Sam SA, Peleva E, Fung CY, Cohen N, Benbow EW, Meeran K Journal article Advances in Medical Education and Practice
A pragmatic and scalable strategy using mobile technology to promote sustained lifestyle changes to prevent Type 2 diabetes in India and the UK – a randomised controlled trial 01/11/2019 Oliver N, Johnston D, Godsland I, Srivanichakorn W, Majeed A, Darzi A Article Diabetologia
Antibiotic therapy and outcome from immune-checkpoint inhibitors 2019-12 Pinato DJ, Gramenitskaya D, Altmann DM, Boyton RJ, Mullish BH, Marchesi JR, Bower M Journal article Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
Blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia with plasmacytoid dendritic cell phenotype associated with a rare fusion transcript, e13a3 BCR-ABL1. 2019-12 Xu D, Claudiani S, Naresh K, Mucklow S, Neelakantan P, Yebra E, Apperley JF, Khorashad J, Milojkovic D Letter Leukemia and Lymphoma
CD146 Regulates Growth Factor-Induced mTORC2 Activity Independent of PI3K and mTORC1 Pathways 29/10/2019 Xu W, Hua H, Chiu Y, Li G, Zhi H, Yu Z, Ren F, Luo Y, Cui W Article Cell Reports
CD8+T cells from patients with cirrhosis display a phenotype that may contribute to cirrhosis-associated immune dysfunction. 30/10/2019 Lebossé F, Gudd C, Tunc E, Singanayagam A, Nathwani R, Triantafyllou E, Pop O, Kumar N, Mukherjee S, Hou TZ, Quaglia A, Zoulim F, Wendon J, Dhar A, Thursz M, Antoniades CG, Khamri W Journal Article EBioMedicine
Conservative management of uterine adenosarcoma: lessons learned from 20 years of follow-up. 2019-11 L’Heveder A, Jones BP, Saso S, Barcroft J, Richardson R, Kaur B, Ghaem-Maghami S, Yazbek J, Smith JR Journal Article Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Correlating the Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology with Histology and Extent of Surgery: A Review of 21,746 Patients from Four Endocrine Surgery Registries Across Two Continents. 05/11/2019 Inabnet WB, Palazzo F, Sosa JA, Kriger J, Aspinall S, Barczynski M, Doherty G, Iacobone M, Nordenstrom E, Scott-Coombes D, Wallin G, Williams L, Bray R, Bergenfelz A Journal Article World Journal of Surgery
Differences for Percentage Times in Glycemic Range Between Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Capillary Blood Glucose Monitoring in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: Analysis of the REPLACE-BG Dataset. 01/11/2019 Avari P, Uduku C, George D, Herrero P, Reddy M, Oliver N Journal article Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics
Early Outcomes From the English National Health Service Diabetes Prevention Program. 12/11/2019 Valabhji J, Barron E, Bradley D, Bakhai C, Fagg J, O’Neill S, Young B, Wareham N, Khunti K, Jebb S, Smith J Journal Article Diabetes Care
Early‐onset twin–twin transfusion syndrome: Case series and systematic review 2019-11 Mylrea‐Foley B, Shaw CJ, Harikumar N, Legg S, Meher S, Lees CC Journal article Australasian Journal of Ultrasound Medicine
Effectiveness of different recruitment strategies in an RCT of a surgical device: experience from the Endobarrier trial. 14/11/2019 Ruban A, Prechtl CG, Glaysher MA, Chhina N, Al-Najim W, Miras AD, Smith C, P Goldstone A, Patel M, Moore M, Ashrafian H, Byrne JP, Teare JP Journal Article BMJ Open
Epigenetic remodelling licences adult cholangiocytes for organoid formation and liver regeneration. 2019-11 Aloia L, McKie MA, Vernaz G, Cordero-Espinoza L, Aleksieva N, van den Ameele J, Antonica F, Font-Cunill B, Raven A, Aiese Cigliano R, Belenguer G, Mort RL, Brand AH, Zernicka-Goetz M, Forbes SJ, Miska EA, Huch M Journal Article Nature Cell Biology
Faecal microbiota transplantation for the treatment of urinary tract infections: an interesting but incomplete story – Authors’ reply 08/11/2019 Allegretti JR, Mullish BH Article The Lancet
Gaps in knowledge and future directions for the use of faecal microbiota transplant in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 06/11/2019 Yalchin M, Segal JP, Mullish BH, Quraishi MN, Iqbal T, Marchesi JR, Hart A Article Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
GutSelf: Interindividual Variability in the Processing of Dietary Compounds by the Human Gastrointestinal Tract 2019-11 Walther B, Lett AM, Bordoni A, Tomás‐Cobos L, Nieto JA, Dupont D, Danesi F, Shahar DR, Echaniz A, Re R, Fernandez AS, Deglaire A, Gille D, Schmid A, Vergères G Journal article Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
H-1 NMR metabolomic approach reveals chlorogenic acid as a response of sugarcane induced by exposure to Diatraea saccharalis 15/11/2019 Sabino AR, Tavares SS, Riffel A, Li J, Oliveira DJA, Feres CIMA, Henrique L, Oliveira JS, Correia GDS, Sabino AR, Nascimento TG, Hawkes G, Santana AEG, Holmes E, Bento ES Article, Journal Industrial Crops and Products
High-resolution label-free 3D mapping of extracellular pH of single living cells 13/11/2019 Zhang Y, Takahashi Y, Hong SP, Liu F, Bednarska J, Goff P, Novak P, Shevchuk A, Gopal S, Barozzi I, Magnani L, Sakai H, Suguru Y, Fujii T, Gorelkin P, Majouga A, Weiss D, Edwards C, Ivanov A, Klenerman D, Sviderskaya E, Edel J, Korchev Y Article Nature Communications
Incidence and mortality from cervical cancer and other malignancies after treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. 04/11/2019 Kalliala I, Athanasiou A, Veroniki AA, Salanti G, Efthimiou O, Raftis N, Bowden S, Paraskevaidi M, Aro K, Arbyn M, Bennett P, Nieminen P, Paraskevaidis E, Kyrgiou M Article Annals of Oncology
Letter: role of mean platelet volume levels in the prediction of major acute cardiovascular events in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-authors’ reply 01/11/2019 Mullish BH, Forlano R, Abeles RD, Thursz MR, Manousou P Letter, Journal Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Loss of ZnT8 function protects against diabetes by enhanced insulin secretion. 2019-11 Dwivedi OP, Lehtovirta M, Hastoy B, Chandra V, Krentz NAJ, Kleiner S, Jain D, Richard A-M, Abaitua F, Beer NL, Grotz A, Prasad RB, Hansson O, Ahlqvist E, Krus U, Artner I, Suoranta A, Gomez D, Baras A, Champon B, Payne AJ, Moralli D, Thomsen SK, Kramer P, Spiliotis I, Ramracheya R, Chabosseau P, Theodoulou A, Cheung R, van de Bunt M, Flannick J, Trombetta M, Bonora E, Wolheim CB, Sarelin L, Bonadonna RC, Rorsman P, Davies B, Brosnan J, McCarthy MI, Otonkoski T, Lagerstedt JO, Rutter GA, Gromada J, Gloyn AL, Tuomi T, Groop L Journal Article Nature Genetics
Maternal sepsis update: current management and controversies 12/11/2019 Greer O, Shah NM, Johnson MR Article Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Medical management of deeply infiltrating endometriosis – 7 year experience in a tertiary endometriosis centre in London 30/10/2019 Wild M, Miskry T, Al-Kufaishi A, Rose G, Crofton M Article Gynecological Surgery: endoscopy, imaging, and allied techniques
Metabolic Phenotyping in Venous Disease: The Need for Standardization. 01/11/2019 Onida S, Tan MKH, Kafeza M, Bergner RT, Shalhoub J, Holmes E, Davies AH Journal Article Journal of Proteome Research
Neurogenesis and prolongevity signaling in young germ-free mice transplanted with the gut microbiota of old mice. 13/11/2019 Kundu P, Lee HU, Garcia-Perez I, Tay EXY, Kim H, Faylon LE, Martin KA, Purbojati R, Drautz-Moses DI, Ghosh S, Nicholson JK, Schuster S, Holmes E, Pettersson S Journal Article Science Translational Medicine
Neurokinin 3 receptor antagonists do not increase FSH or estradiol secretion in menopausal women 29/10/2019 Prague J, Abbara A, Comninos A, Jayasena C, higham C, adaway J, keevil B, veldhuis J, Dhillo W Article Journal of the Endocrine Society
NLRP7 is expressed in the ovine ovary and associated with in vitro pre-implantation embryo development 01/11/2019 Li G, Tian X, Lv D, Zhang L, Zhang Z, Wang J, Yang M, Tao J, Ma T, Wu H, Ji P, Wu Y, Lian Z, Cui W, Liu G Article, Journal Reproduction
Open source automated insulin delivery: addressing the challenge 14/11/2019 Oliver N, Reddy M Article npj Digital Medicine
Perceptions, outcomes and regret following social egg freezing in the UK; a cross-sectional survey. 30/10/2019 Jones BP, Kasaven L, L’Heveder A, Jalmbrant M, Green J, Makki M, Odia R, Norris G, Bracewell Milnes T, Saso S, Serhal P, Ben Nagi J Journal Article Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children 04/11/2019 Wang X, Nijman R, Camuzeaux S, Sands C, Jackson H, Kaforou M, Emonts M, Herberg J, Maconochie I, Carrol E, Paulus S, Zenz W, Coin L, Flier MVD, Groot RD, Martinon-Torres F, Schlapbach LJ, Pollard A, Fink C, Kuijpers TT, Anderson S, Lewis M, Levin M, McClure M Article Scientific Reports
Post-operative delirium associated with metabolic alterations following hemi-arthroplasty in older patients. 11/11/2019 Guo Y, Li Y, Zhang Y, Fang S, Xu X, Zhao A, Zhang J, Li JV, Ma D, Jia W, Jiang W Journal Article Age and Ageing
Predictive modelling using pathway scores: robustness and significance of pathway collections. 04/11/2019 Segura-Lepe MP, Keun HC, Ebbels TMD Journal Article BMC Bioinformatics
Re: UK criteria for uterus transplantation: a review 01/11/2019 Jones BP, Saso S, Quiroga I, Yazbek J, Smith JR Letter, Journal BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Rfx6 promotes the differentiation of peptide-secreting enteroendocrine cells while repressing genetic programs controlling serotonin production. 2019-11 Piccand J, Vagne C, Blot F, Meunier A, Beucher A, Strasser P, Lund ML, Ghimire S, Nivlet L, Lapp C, Petersen N, Engelstoft MS, Thibault-Carpentier C, Keime C, Correa SJ, Schreiber V, Molina N, Schwartz TW, De Arcangelis A, Gradwohl G Journal Article Molecular Metabolism
Sepsis: Precision-Based Medicine for Pregnancy and the Puerperium. 29/10/2019 Greer O, Shah NM, Sriskandan S, Johnson MR Journal Article, Review International Journal of Molecular Sciences
The homeostatic dynamics of feeding behaviour identify novel mechanisms of anorectic agents 01/11/2019 McGrath T, Spreckley E, Rodriguez A, Viscomi C, Alamshah A, Akalestou E, Murphy K, Jones N Article PLoS Biology
The impact of progesterone and RU-486 on classic pro-labour proteins & contractility in human myometrial tissues during 24-hour exposure to tension & Interleukin-1β. 31/10/2019 Lai PF, Georgiou EX, Tribe RM, Johnson MR Journal Article Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
The use of Human Papillomavirus DNA Methylation in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis 30/10/2019 Lever S, Kalliala I, Veroniki A, Arbyn M, Mitra A, Mirabello L, Lathouras K, Chadeau-hyam M, Paraskevaidis E, Flanagan J, Kyrgiou M Article EBioMedicine
Unravelling of new type 2 diabetes genes with 3D chromatin topology analysis and CRISPR-Cas9 perturbations 11/11/2019 Cebola I, Miguel-Escalada I, Bonas-Guarch S, Ponsa-Cobas J, Atla G, Javierre B, Ravassard P, Fraser P, Ferrer J Conference Endocrine Abstracts
Ureidopeptide GLP-1 analogues with prolonged activity in vivo via signal bias and altered receptor trafficking 14/11/2019 Fremaux J, Venin C, Mauran L, Zimmer R, Koensgen F, Rognan D, Bitsi S, Lucey MA, Jones B, Tomas A, Guichard G, Goudreau SR Article, Journal Chemical Science
Whole Exome and Transcriptome Sequencing in 1042 Cases Reveals Distinct Clinically Relevant Genetic Subgroups of Follicular Lymphoma. 13/11/2019 Li X, Kositsky R, Reddy A, Love C, Naresh K, Koff JL, Nystrand I, Leppä S, Pasanen A, Karjalainen-Lindsberg M-L, Dunkel J, Kovanen P, Qin Q, Bhagat G, Leeman-Neill RJ, Goswami RS, Wildeman S, Delabie J, Burack R, Evans AG, Amador C, Yuan J, Qureishi HN, Li S, Xu J, Yin CC, Gang AO, Norgaard PH, Pedersen MØ, Chan JY, Cheah DMZ, Ong SY, Cheng CL, Lee L, Paulua F, Ondrejka SL, Hsi ED, Czader M, Wang L, Landis A, Churnetski MC, Jaye DL, Flowers CR, McCall CM, Neff J, McKinney MS, Fedoriw Y, Powers E, Montgomery ND, Bogusz AM, Stafford Hintz A, Kovach AE, Reddy N, Thompson Arildsen MA, Mason EF, Juskevicius R, Choi W, Au-Yeung R, Tse E, Sarno V, Chadburn A, Lopez R, Chapman JR, Behdad A, Goldschmidt N, Goodlad J, Burton C, Pillai R, Louissaint A, Soliman DS, Panea R, Dave T, Xiong B, Smith E, Dave S Journal Article Blood

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