Latest publications: September and October 2019

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our monthly (17/09/19 – 14/10/19) round-up of recent publication successes.*

Department author(s) Date publication Authors OR Authors/Contributors Title Publication type Canonical journal title
SWANN, Jonathan R 01/10/2019 McBain AJ, O’Neill CA, Amezquita A, Price LJ, Faust K, Tett A, Segata N, Swann JR, Smith AM, Murphy B, Hoptroff M, James G, Reddy Y, Dasgupta A, Ross T, Chapple IL, Wade WG, Fernandez-Piquer J Consumer Safety Considerations of Skin and Oral Microbiome Perturbation Review, Journal Clinical Microbiology Reviews
BOURNE, Tom 11/07/1905 Martínez-Más J, Bueno-Crespo A, Khazendar S, Remezal-Solano M, Martínez-Cendán J-P, Jassim S, Du H, Al Assam H, Bourne T, Timmerman D Evaluation of machine learning methods with Fourier Transform features for classifying ovarian tumors based on ultrasound images Journal Article PLoS One
DHILLO, Waljit S 2019-09 Thurston L, Abbara A, Dhillo WS Investigation and management of subfertility Journal Article, Review Journal of Clinical Pathology
JOHNSON, Mark R 18/09/2019 Cauldwell M, Steer PJ, von Klemperer K, Kaler M, Grixti S, Hale J, O’Heney J, Warriner D, Curtis S, Mohan AR, Dockree S, Mackillop L, Head CEG, Sterrenberg M, Wallace S, Freeman LJ, Patridge G, Baalman JH, McAuliffe FM, Simpson M, Walker N, Girling J, Siddiqui F, Bolger AP, Bredaki F, Walker F, Vause S, Gatzoulis MA, Johnson MR, Roberts A Maternal and neonatal outcomes in women with history of coronary artery disease. Journal Article Heart
LEES, Christoph 19/09/2019 Santhirakumaran S, Tay J, Lees C The relationship between maternal characteristics and carotid intima-media thickness using an automated ultrasound technique Journal Article Hypertension in Pregnancy
KHAMRI, Wafa 08/10/2019 Lebosse F, Gudd C, Tunc E, Singanayagam A, Nathwani R, Triantafyllou E, Pop O, Kumar N, Mukherjee S, Zheng Hou T, Quaglia A, Zoulim F, Wendon J, Dhar A, Thursz M, Antoniades C, Khamri W CD8+ T cells from patients with cirrhosis display a phenotype that may contribute to cirrhosis-associated immune dysfunction Journal article EBioMedicine
IZZI-ENGBEAYA, Chioma N 01/10/2019 Izzi-Engbeaya C, Dhillo W, Abbara A, Comninos A, Tan T Effects of Peptide-YY on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in Healthy Men Journal article Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
MULLISH, Benjamin H 2019-10 Allegretti JR, Mullish B, Nativ L, Marcus J, Marchesi J, McDonald JAK, Pechlivanis A, Kennedy K, Gerber G, Bry L Evaluating Dynamics of Bile Acid Metabolism to Predict Recurrence of Clostridioides difficile Infection Journal article American Journal of Gastroenterology
KHULLAR, Vikram (Vik) 02/10/2019 Khullar V, Chermansky C, Tarcan T, Rahmanai S, Digesu A, Sahai A, Veit-Rubin N, Dmochowski R How can we improve the diagnosis and management of bladder pain syndrome? Part 1: ICI-RS 2018 Journal Article, Review Neurourology and Urodynamics
GREENBURY, Sam 08/10/2019 Greenbury S, Barahona M, Johnston I HyperTraPS: Inferring probabilistic patterns of trait acquisition in evolutionary and disease progression pathways Journal article Cell Systems
GLEN, Robert C 2019-10 Read C, Nyimanu D, Williams TL, Huggins DJ, Sulentic P, Macrae RGC, Yang P, Glen RC, Maguire JJ, Davenport AP International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CVII. Structure and Pharmacology of the Apelin Receptor with a Recommendation that Elabela/Toddler Is a Second Endogenous Peptide Ligand Journal Article Pharmacological Reviews
OLIVER, Nicholas S (Nick) 04/10/2019 Liu C, Vehí J, Avari P, Reddy M, Oliver N, Georgiou P, Herrero P Long-Term Glucose Forecasting Using a Physiological Model and Deconvolution of the Continuous Glucose Monitoring Signal Journal article Sensors
LIU, Zhigang 01/10/2019 Hu C, Liu Z, Iwasaki M, Lian Q, Li J, Ma D Propofol inhibits cancer malignancy by disturbing glucose metabolism through hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha and pigment epithelium-derived factor modulation Meeting Abstract, Abstract, Journal British Journal of Anaesthesia
BASSETT, John H D (Duncan) and LEITCH, Victoria D 01/10/2019 Leitch VD, Brassill MJ, Rahman S, Butterfield NC, Ma P, Logan JG, Boyde A, Evans H, Croucher PI, Batterham RL, Williams GR, Bassett JHD PYY is a negative regulator of bone mass and strength Article Bone
WILSON, Ian D 2019-10 King AM, Trengove RD, Mullin LG, Rainville PD, Isaac G, Plumb RS, Gethings LA, Wilson ID Rapid Profiling Method for the Analysis of Lipids in Human Plasma Using Ion Mobility Enabled-Reversed Phase-Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Journal article Journal of Chromatography A
AVARI, Parizad E 09/10/2019 Avari P, Ramli R, Reddy M, Oliver N, Fothergill R Rationale and protocol for the Assessment of Impact of Real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring on People Presenting with Severe Hypoglycaemia (AIR-CGM) study Article BMC Endocrine Disorders
KYRGIOU, Maria 01/10/2019 Raglan O, Kalliala I, Markozannes G, Cividini S, Gunter MJ, Nautiyal J, Gabra H, Paraskevaidis E, Martin-Hirsch P, Tsilidis KK, Kyrgiou M Risk factors for endometrial cancer: An umbrella review of the literature Review, Journal International Journal of Cancer
MULLISH, Benjamin H 2019-10 Allegretti JR, Mullish B, Hurtado J, Carrellas M, Marcus J, Phelps E, Pettee W, Marchesi J, McDonald JAK, Barker G, Blanco JM, Perez IG, Kelly CR, Grinspan A, Fischer M Short Chain Fatty Acid Profiles Are Altered by Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Recurrent Clostridioides difficile Infection Journal article American Journal of Gastroenterology
MACINTYRE, David A 01/10/2019 Al-Memar M, Bobdiwala S, Fourie H, Manino R, Lee YS, Smith A, Marchesi JR, Timmerman D, Bourne T, Bennett PR, MacIntyre DA The association between vaginal bacterial composition and miscarriage: a nested case-control study. Journal Article BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

*The mysterious case of the missing publication: a disclaimer

To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from Symplectic. Our reports are generated on a fortnightly basis, which means there may be a delay in publicising some publications. 

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