MDR Away Day

Dr David MacIntyre presenting work from the Section of Pregnancy, Parturition and Prematurity at the MDR Away Day.
Dr David MacIntyre presenting the work of the Section of Pregnancy, Parturition and Prematurity at the MDR Away Day.

On Monday 7th October, the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction held its inaugural Away Day.

As a new Department, it was a fantastic opportunity to get the vast majority of our researchers and academics in one place and hear about all the diverse and fascinating work taking place across the Divisions.

As Prof Mark Thursz, Head of Department, referenced in his opening remarks, whilst metabolism, digestion and reproduction may appear somewhat unrelated, they share the goal of driving improvements in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, based on strong basic, translational and clinical science.

The presentations showed numerous opportunities for collaboration and cross-departmental support, particularly in the investigation of the genome, microbiome and metabolome, methodologies used by many in the Department to underpin their fundamental research and provide novel insights on disease pathogenesis.

Division and Section Heads from across the Department gave presentations highlighting the current projects being undertaken in their research areas. This allowed attendees to discover potential opportunities to collaborate, and also gain insight and experience from colleagues work in the Department.

We will be updating the below programme with the speakers’ slides as we receive them:

Division  Speaker 
MDR Welcome and Introduction  Mark Thursz
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism  Waljit Dhillo
Nick Oliver
Digestive Diseases  Maud Lemoine
Reorganising the Faculty of Medicine  Jonathan Weber 
IRDB  Maria Kyrgiou​
Christoph Lees
Yan Liu
Systems Medicine   Zoltan Takats 
Digestive Diseases  Gary Frost
IRDB  David MacIntyre
Kate Hardy 
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism  Guy Rutter
Duncan Bassett
Graham Williams​
Systems Medicine 

Jules Griffin
Marc Dumas
Anthony Beucher
Hector Keun
Philippe Froguel

Drug Development  Steve Bloom

Please feel free to contact any of the speakers if you think there are potential opportunities for collaboration or if you would like further information about their research.

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